
Navajo Landowners Roll Up on Biden's Interior Secretary with Awesome 2-Word Demand


Editor’s Note: Our readers responded strongly to this story when it originally ran; we’re reposting it here in case you missed it.

Once again, a Democratic official proves that the race card is only applicable if it matches the agenda Democrats are pushing.

If their agenda is contrary to the needs and interests of minorities, then to heck with them.

In New Mexico, the Navajo Nation is in favor of new oil and gas drilling due to the economic benefits it could bring to their community. But it seems like their wishes for what happens on their land don’t hold much weight with the Biden administration.

The Associated Press reported that in June, the Interior Department blocked oil and gas production on hundreds of square miles of land in New Mexico for a period of 20 years. The affected land lies within a 10-mile radius of Chaco Culture National Historical Park.

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Navajo leaders made it clear that this is not what they want.

“The Navajo Nation attempted to compromise by proposing a 5-mile buffer as opposed to the 10-mile,” Crystalyne Curley said. “The Biden Administration has undermined the position of the Navajo Nation with today’s action and impacted the livelihood of thousands of Navajo allotment owners and their families.”

Prior to a visit to Chaco by Interior Secretary Deb Haaland, a group of Navajo landowners blocked access to the site, chanting, “Go home!”

Now, Protect the Public’s Trust, a government watchdog group, has filed an official complaint against Haaland over “apparent ethical breaches” regarding the drilling ban.

The complaint says that Haaland’s daughter, Somah Haaland, is “a prominent member of an activist organization that lobbied federal officials seeking to restrict oil and gas leasing in the area.”

Do you support the decision to ban drilling in this area?

According to PPT, Somah Haaland narrated a film called “Our Story: The Indigenous Led Fight to Protect Greater Chaco,” and Deb Haaland “participated in the film” prior to her nomination to Biden’s Cabinet.

The documentary features a 2019 interview with Deb Haaland as well as clips of her speaking and being sworn in as interior secretary. The filmmakers also included the secretary’s name and title in promotional material for a December screening of the film.

PPT said Haaland’s behavior “evinces a failure to fully consider and live up to [her] ethical obligations as a senior government official in a position of public trust. Accordingly, these actions should be investigated as soon as possible.”

One wonders where the outrage is over the inability of Navajo people to use their own land to improve their financial conditions. Aren’t they always lecturing us that the land belongs to them before us?

But the mask has come off, as it so often does, and once again we see that the only true allegiance Democrats have is to themselves.

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Rachel Emmanuel has served as the director of content on a Republican congressional campaign and writes content for a popular conservative book franchise.
Rachel M. Emmanuel has served as the Director of Content on a Republican Congressional campaign and writes for a popular Conservative book franchise.
