
Navy SEAL Who Was Mocked on 'Saturday Night Live' Wins Election in Resounding Fashion


Formal Navy SEAL Dan Crenshaw can now add the title of congressman in front of his name after winning Texas’ 2nd Congressional District on Tuesday, three days after he was mocked on NBC’s “Saturday Night Live.”

Crenshaw won 53 percent of the vote in the U.S. House race to defeat Democrat Todd Litton, who was only able to pull in 45 percent of the vote.

The former SEAL thanked his constituents on Twitter after the race was called in his favor, saying, “Texans are hard working, love their country and believe in the American ideal; the greatest set of ideas for a free people that the world has ever known. As a team that was the message we spread for the last year. Thank you for your dedication and trust. See you in Washington!”

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The win comes after he was the subject of a joke on “SNL” on Saturday where cast member Pete Davidson said one might be “surprised” to learn Crenshaw wasn’t a “hitman in a porno movie.”

The joke was a reference to the eyepatch Crenshaw wears since losing his right eye in an IED attack in Afghanistan in 2012.

After the joke failed to land, Crenshaw wrote on Twitter, “Good rule in life: I try hard not to offend; I try harder not to be offended. That being said, I hope (‘SNL’) recognizes that vets don’t deserve to see their wounds used as punchlines for bad jokes.”

When asked if “SNL” should apologize, Crenshaw said Monday on Fox News’ “Fox & Friends” that “they probably should apologize, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to demand an apology.”

“I don’t want to demand an apology that is hollow and empty,” he said.

Crenshaw instead said that they should “pull their money together” and donate it to a charity for veterans.

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After Crenshaw won on Tuesday night, he appeared on “Fox & Friends” once again on Wednesday.

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He was asked if he felt the “SNL” skit helped or hurt him in his race for a congressional seat. “I have to imagine that it probably helped,” he said.

Crenshaw told the hosts that he had to walk a “fine line” after he was the butt of the “SNL” joke.

“What I would not be is a victim about it, I would not be offended about it,” he said.

Crenshaw added, “I had to also point out that it was still very offensive, and there are many, many other veterans just like me who don’t feel as though their wounds might be the subject of bad jokes and poor taste to a hysterically laughing audience.”

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Steven is a former writer for The Western Journal and has written hundreds of stories for both Western Journal and Conservative Tribune. He is a follower of Jesus, husband to an amazing wife and father to two beautiful girls.
Steven is a former writer for the Western Journal and has written dozens of stories for both Western Journal and Conservative Tribune. Steven is a native of Louisiana but has transferred to a remote desert land often referred to as Arizona. He has a beautiful wife and two amazing daughters. You can often find him hiking the Arizona landscape or serving on the worship team at his church.
Shreveport, LA
B.S. Church Ministries with a specialization in Church Planting and Revitalization
Phoenix, AZ
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