
NBC Runs Segment About Trump's Relationship with Canines


President Donald Trump’s recent tweet about former White House aide Omarosa Manigault Newman has caused many to question the president’s feelings about dogs.

Some called his use of the word “dog” racist and sexist, and most recently, it has caused many to investigate and decide whether or not the president simply has an aversion to canines in the first place.

MSNBC‘s Brian Williams discussed the matter Tuesday night with his guest, The Washington Post’s Philip Rucker.

“Does this president really, physically not like dogs?” Williams asked.

“That’s right, Brian,” Rucker responded. “He’s actually the first president in more than 100 years that’s not had a dog as a pet in the White House.”

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This point hasn’t gone unnoticed by other news outlets, either.

In an op-ed “written” by an actual dog for the Chicago Tribune on Wednesday afternoon, reporter Rex Huppke’s “very good dog” drew attention to the president’s choice not to have a dog in the White House.

“I understand you are the first president since William McKinley to not have a dog. That’s weird,” the remarkably literate canine said. “You don’t have any animal friends, and that makes me suspicious.”

On the MSNBC segment, Williams then told Rucker his team conducted “an extensive web search” that took “at least a few minutes,” and could only find one single photo “in all the land” of President Trump with a dog.

The fact that only a single photo exists of the president with a dog was soon proven false, as a simple google search brings up multiple images of Trump posing with pooches.

During the almost 2-minute-long segment on the topic, the men also discussed President Trump’s brief experience living with a dog when his first wife Ivana brought her poodle along, despite him not wanting a dog.

The poodle, as Rucker explained, was not fond of the future president, either.

“Check out the expression on the Scotties face here,” William’s later noted.

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The host went on to speculate that President Trump’s admission to being a “germaphobe” when it comes to hand cleanliness could be the reason he doesn’t like dogs, to which Rucker agreed.

“He uses ‘dog’ as if it is some negative thing,” Rucker added. “In American culture, a lot of Americans love dogs. They’re loyal, they love you back, a lot of people have dogs as pets.”

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Liz was a senior story editor for The Western Journal.
Liz was a senior story editor for The Western Journal.
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