
New Jersey Gov Mandates Masks Outdoors


Now that liberal-supported large-scale protests, riots and other forms of civil disobedience have somewhat subsided, Democrats are back to creating oppressive directives aimed at forcing law-abiding citizens to bend to their will.

Nowhere is this more true than in New Jersey, where Democratic Gov. Phil Murphy is demanding that his state’s residents wear masks, even when they’re outside.

Murphy said Wednesday he would be mandated the wearing of masks outdoors by way of an executive order to prevent the further spread of the coronavirus.

During an interview with MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” Murphy said he would sign the order to force his state’s citizens to cover their faces while outdoors when they are unable to socially distance from others.

“[Masks have] been strongly recommended out-of-doors. We’re going to turn that up a notch today and say, We’re going ask you: If you can’t socially distance, it’s going be required,” he told MSNBC. “If you’re congregating [outside without a mask] with a lot of other folks and there’s no social distancing, you could at least get a warning, if not something stronger.”

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Murphy’s decision is apparently being made without science in mind, as the efficacy of over-the-counter masks is not settled and there is evidence that the coronavirus cannot spread as easily in open-air environments.

Still, the issue of masks is about personal choice. Americans should not be forced to wear anything, much less a cloth or other face covering which can not only inhibit clear breathing, but is also uncomfortable.

Yet Murphy is celebrating his apparent power to exercise control over his state’s residents:

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Murphy made it crystal clear in April that he does not keep the constitutional rights of his citizens in mind when he exercises control over their lives.

Do you wear a mask or other face covering when you are out in public?

During an appearance on Fox News, Murphy was excoriated by host Tucker Carlson over his state’s oppressive actions in restricting religious services.

“The Bill of Rights, as you well know, protects Americans’ right — enshrines their right — to practice their religion as they see fit and to congregate together to assemble peacefully,” Carlson told Murphy.

“By what authority did you nullify the Bill of Rights in issuing this order?” Carlson asked.

Murphy made no attempt to rationalize his draconian actions.

“That’s above my pay grade, Tucker,” Murphy said with a chuckle.

“So I wasn’t thinking of the Bill of Rights when we did this. We went to all, first of all, we looked at the data and the science and it says people have to stay away from each other,” Murphy said.

In July, Murphy still has little concern for the Bill of Rights.

While New Jersey was among the states hardest hit by the original influx of coronavirus cases, the governor acted outside of his authority when he banned religious gatherings, and he is happy to play with individual liberty again in July.

This time around, hopefully the governor will face a successful legal challenge.

A similar mask mandate in the state of Washington is currently being challenged in court by the Freedom Foundation, a public policy organization.

Washington state Secretary of Health John Wiesman is being sued by the group over a mandate to force people to wear masks in public and even on private property.

“The face-covering directive is the definition of government overreach,” Aaron Withe, national director of the Freedom Foundation, said in a news release Tuesday.

“If people choose to wear a mask, that’s their choice. But Inslee is going after otherwise law-abiding citizens when there are rioters destroying Washington cities such as Seattle with no punishment in sight,” Withe added.

Perhaps the freedom of the people of New Jersey will similarly be defended from Murphy  in court.

We know Murphy isn’t fond of being outed for his hypocrisy.

In a tweet Wednesday, he told a critic of his new mask mandate to “STOP PLAYING POLITICS WITH PEOPLE’S LIVES.”

If there is one thing the country has learned since late May, when George Floyd died in Minneapolis, it’s that the actions taken by leaders to prevent the spread of the coronavirus are selectively enforced.

It is absolutely political.

As we’ve seen, demonstrators, looters, rioters, arsonists and monument vandals have been allowed to disregard health measures and laws with impunity, so long as they identify themselves as being aligned with the Black Lives Matter movement.

Murphy’s latest attack on individual liberty is a transparent attempt at forcing citizens to bow to public policy after politicians just spent six weeks watching the breakdown of law and order.

Murphy actually participated in protests in support of the Black Lives Matter movement last month.

Unsurprisingly, he made no mention of the coronavirus during his foray out onto the streets with anti-law enforcement protesters.

Now that the Democrat is apparently finished marching in close proximity with others against a system that he represents, he wants to force the people in his state to uncomfortably mask themselves.

And ironically, he will almost certainly ask his state’s police agencies to enforce the new draconian order.

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Johnathan Jones has worked as a reporter, an editor, and producer in radio, television and digital media.
Johnathan "Kipp" Jones has worked as an editor and producer in radio and television. He is a proud husband and father.
