
New Jersey Officer Catches Baby Whom Man Was Dangling from Balcony in Lengthy Standoff with Police


A Jersey City police officer caught a 1-month-old baby who was dropped off a balcony by an unidentified man on Saturday, USA Today reported.

Jersey City Police Officer Eduardo Matute was one of the officers positioned at the base of a building Saturday morning during a lengthy standoff involving a man dangling a baby over a second-story balcony, according to USA Today.

The baby was unharmed and transported to a local hospital for further inspection out of caution, city spokesperson Kimberly Wallace-Scalcione said.

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The man who reportedly dropped the infant was arrested and charged with attempted murder, aggravated assault and endangering the welfare of a child, Wallace-Scalcione said.

The Hudson County Prosecutor’s office praised the efforts of Officer Joseph Casey and Incident Commander Capt. Michael Mckerry for first responding to the event.

“An extremely dangerous incident developed this morning on Rose Ave in Jersey City in which a man was threatening a one-month-old baby,” Hudson County Prosecutor Esther Suarez tweeted.

“Kudos to the JPCD and all the officers involved for their heroics and for bringing a safe conclusion to this dangerous situation.”

“We especially want to acknowledge the actions & bravery of the negotiator and first-responding PO Joseph Casey, South District PO Eduardo Mutate who safely caught the baby after being dropped from a 2nd floor balcony & Incident Commander Capt. Michael McKerry. Thank you, Officers!” the tweet read.

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