
Newly Released Records Show Joe Biden Repeatedly Emailed Hunter's Business Associate Before Burisma Appointment


A new tranche of documents shows that President Joe Biden emailed his son’s longtime business partner, Eric Schwerin, 54 times while the elder Biden was vice president, NBC News reported Thursday.

Moreover, the curious timing of many of the messages coincided with Joe Biden’s trips to Ukraine while Hunter Biden was working for scandal-plagued Ukrainian gas company Burisma, the outlet reported.

“All told, then-Vice President Biden emailed Schwerin 35 times before and after his 2014 trips to Ukraine,” NBC News reported.

“The bulk of the communication occurred in the lead-up to and following an agreement for Hunter Biden to serve on the board of the Ukrainian natural gas company Burisma,” it said.

The records of the emails were released Thursday by House Republicans related to their investigation of Hunter’s alleged influence-peddling scheme involving his father.

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NBC News said Schwerin did not respond to requests for comment.

The White House appeared to suggest there was nothing inappropriate about the communications, saying Schwerin had worked as Joe Biden’s financial adviser from 2009 to 2017.

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But even if it were true that the emails were nothing more than a client communicating with his money man, the unseemly coziness of the then-vice president’s financial adviser also being his son’s business partner screams conflict of interest.

As a reminder, three weeks after then-Vice President Biden went to Ukraine in 2014, his son scored a high-paying gig with Burisma despite having no background in the oil and natural gas industry.

Consider the sequence of events:

• On April 21, 2014, Vice President Joe Biden traveled to Ukraine.
• On May 12, 2014, Burisma hired Hunter Biden to join its board of directors.

Imagine the corporate media outrage if this had happened to Donald Trump Jr. when his father, former President Donald Trump, was in office.

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In an October 2019 interview with ABC News, Hunter admitted that he probably would have never been hired by Burisma had it not been for his powerful father.

“If your last name wasn’t Biden, do you think you would’ve been asked to be on the board of Burisma?” ABC News reporter Amy Robach asked him.

“I don’t know. I don’t know. Probably not, in retrospect,” he replied. “But that’s — you know — I don’t think that there’s a lot of things that would have happened in my life if my last name wasn’t Biden.”

Hunter underscored: “Because my dad was vice president of the United States, there’s literally nothing — as a young man or as a full-grown adult that — my father in some way hasn’t had influence over.”

You’d think Joe Biden, as a career politician, would’ve tried to avoid the appearance of impropriety at all costs — but he didn’t.

Texts from Hunter Biden made public in August suggest his father had profited from influence-peddling schemes he engaged in when Joe Biden was vice president. The texts were among the many damning documents and other material found on Hunter’s abandoned laptop.

In a stunning 2018 text thread, Hunter claimed to have paid his dad’s bills for the “past 11 years.”

Writing in reference to business partner Schwerin, he said, “My dad has been using most lines on this account which I’ve through the gracious offerings of Eric have paid for past 11 years.”

Two weeks ago, the House Oversight Committee released subpoenaed bank records revealing that Hunter’s business entity, Owasco PC, had made direct monthly payments to Joe Biden.

In a Dec. 4 statement, House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer said the “House Oversight Committee has identified over 20 shell companies and uncovered how the Bidens and their associates raked in over $24 million dollars between 2015 and 2019 by selling Joe Biden as ‘the brand.’”

Other alarming tranches of texts from Hunter Biden to Schwerin suggest Hunter’s finances had been commingled with his dad’s for years.

In a 2010 email, Schwerin wrote that he was transferring money from Joe Biden’s tax refund check into Hunter’s account because “he owes it to you,” according to Fox News.

In a 2019 text to his daughter Naomi spotlighted by the U.K.’s Daily Mail, Hunter complained that he had been forced to fork over half his salary to his dad.

“I hope you all can do what I did and pay for everything for this entire family [for] 30 years,” Hunter wrote. “It’s really hard. But don’t worry unlike Pop, I won’t make you give me half your salary.”

By now, there’s a mountain of circumstantial evidence suggesting Joe Biden abused his power and sold out the country, with his son brokering shady deals with foreign entities.

It’s time for both father and son to be fully investigated and held accountable.

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