
Nikki Haley Picks Up New Job After Dropping Out of Presidential Race


Seems there really is a job for everyone.

Even if you’re failed Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley, who kept pushing an obviously losing campaign well past its expiration date, someone out there is willing to hire you.

But rather than a management position at her local McDonald’s, the former South Carolina governor is joining the Hudson Institute.

The Washington-based conservative think tank announced in a news release on Monday that she will be its next Walter P. Stern Chair.

“Nikki is a proven, effective leader on both foreign and domestic policy,” Hudson President and CEO John P. Walters said in a statement.

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“In an era of worldwide political upheaval, she has remained a steadfast defender of freedom and an effective advocate for American security and prosperity,” Walters said. “We are honored to have her join the Hudson team.”

The brilliant conservative mind brought us inspirational words such as, “It has never that Israel needs America. It has always been that America needs Israel.”

The Hudson Institute will truly be better off with a once-in-a-generation philosopher like Haley.

Do you like Nikki Haley?

The former U.N. ambassador announced her new position in a post on X, hyping up the organization she will now be a part of.

“When our policymakers fail to call out our enemies or acknowledge the importance of our alliances, the world is less safe,” she wrote. “That is why [the Hudson Institute’s] work is so critical.

“They believe the American people should have the facts and policymakers should have the solutions to support a secure, free, and prosperous future. I look forward to partnering with them to defend the principles that make America the greatest country in the world.”

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The Walter P. Stern Chair was created four years ago in honor of a man “who was instrumental in making Hudson one of Washington’s most respected research organizations,” the institute said.

His daughter, Sarah May Stern, chairwoman of Hudson’s board of trustees, said it was “fitting” that Haley would fill the role because she “is a courageous and insightful policymaker.”

It’s unsure where the think tank is seeing this courage and insightfulness as the Haley the public knows is the woman who didn’t endorse her party’s chosen presidential candidate after pledging she would do so.

The saying “One man’s trash is another man’s treasure” rings true in Washington, D.C.

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