
NYC Hands Out Prepaid Debit Cards Because Immigrants Threw Away Charity Food - Yes, You Read That Right


New York has a new plan to deal with the massive influx of illegals in their city.

Could it be … deportation? Nope! Its tax dollars directly into their hands.

After giving these people free housing and free food, which they threw away, the new plan rolled out by Democrat Mayor Eric Adams is to give illegals prepaid debit cards.

The New York Post reported, eight preloaded Mastercards were handed out at the Roosevelt Hotel on Monday, which will expand to over one hundred by next week.

Two months ago, Mobility Capital Finance secured a $53 million dollar no-bid deal with New York, which could see them take away a cut of $1.8 million. This program will cover roughly 460 families of the 64,500 illegals currently in New York City.

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The new debit card scheme comes after illegals were throwing out the food provided to them. According to a report from December, thousands of meals provided by DocGo through a no-bid $432 million dollar contract were being discarded.

Is it because the food is moldy, contaminated, or in any way suspect?

“The food is bad. I don’t like it. How they prepare it, I don’t like it. When they bring it to you, it’s cold,” one woman from Venezuela said.

City Councilwoman Julie Won, who chairs the city’s contract committee, expressed outrage in the matter stating, “They’re spending $463 million on food during a fiscal crisis, and they can’t account for how much of that is actually being consumed or how much of that food is rotten.”

Do you believe most immigrants are here to take advantage of America's kind, if misguided, charity?

The city does have a crisis on its hands. Because of the Adams’ administrations embrace of illegal immigration, tax dollars are stretched thin, and budget cuts are taking place.

Maybe the food is rotten, like Won worries it is. Then again, testimony gives more mundane reasons for its rejection.

“The breakfast they give us is very sweet. They give us pancakes, donuts and cookies for breakfast at 6 a.m. It is too sweet to give to my daughter, so I just take a few things,” Johana Roa, 23. Roa also said the food was unhealthy, the Post reported.

Another woman, Alexandra Salas, who as of December had been staying for free at the Roosevelt Hotel for 7 months, said, “The breakfast and lunch is so cold we can’t eat it, so it gets thrown in the trash.”

As the saying goes, “beggars can’t be choosers.” Maybe it should be rephrased as “beggars can’t be choosers unless they live in New York City and came into the country illegally.”

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If these people were truly “needy” or “asylum seekers” as some frame them to be, would they not feel fortunate to have food and housing at all? Anyone truly seeking asylum would not be acting in this way.

The debit card scheme by the Adams administration is just the latest episode in a saga of exploiting the good nature of the American people and their tax dollars.

We are telling these people if they reject charity, the only result will be a more generous form of charity.

At risk of sounding callous, these people do not need help.

They are committing fraud and squandering money.

A Note from Our Deputy Managing Editor:


I heard a chilling comment the other day: “We don’t even know if an election will be held in 2024.” 


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Josh Manning

Deputy Managing Editor

The Western Journal

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Sam Short is an Instructor of History with Motlow State Community College in Smyrna, Tennessee. He holds a BA in History from Middle Tennessee State University and an MA in History from University College London.
