
Frauds: Pro-Gay Rosie O'Donnell Uses Homosexual Slur To Attack Lindsey Graham


Never tell the truth to a Democrat — unless, of course, you want them to show you who they really are.

You may think that’s a winning proposition, but it’s a truly ugly affair, like finding a small, shivering wild animal with yellowed, angular teeth bared. Take the curious case of Rosie O’Donnell — who finds herself in the unenviable position of the quavering ground squirrel not infrequently — deciding to use a gay slur against Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham.

Graham, as many of you know, gave a fiery speech Thursday in defense of Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh after the rhetorical attacks from Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee during the Kavanaugh/Ford hearings.

Graham didn’t just lambaste what they’d done during the hearing, he also went after their comportment during the whole affair — the “leaked” letter, the fact that said letter had been sat on since July, the fact that they had already made up their minds about Kavanaugh anyway, that sort of thing.

Graham has been critical of how the Democrats have handled this for quite some time, though — particularly when Michael Avenatti, lawyer to the porn stars, got himself involved in this whole mess with a truly bizarre theory about gang rape and secret yearbook codes.

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The South Carolina senator issued a Category 5 tweetstorm when that whole mess became public.

Well, at least for Lindsey Graham, that qualifies as a Category 5 tweetstorm. This is a guy who probably considers coleslaw a bit spicy. (Although, if you saw him Thursday … well, dang.)

Anyway, there’s another part to this story that I’d just as soon not mention — but, alas, the whole thing hinges upon it, so we’re going to have to go there. Sen. Graham has never been married and his sexuality has often been a matter of speculation for those who care about these sorts of things. According to the Washington Examiner, Graham has openly denied being gay; I can’t say I or anyone I know could bring themselves to care one way or the other.

Do you think Rosie O'Donnell should be locked out from Twitter?

As regular readers will know, a number of writers for this publication have had our qualms with Sen. Graham in the past, including myself. The idea of bringing up his sexuality — aside from being a total non sequitur in virtually every circumstance — would be abhorrent to every single one of us. If it weren’t abhorrent to some hypothetical individual who was writing for us, that hypothetical individual would be writing for someone else.

You know who that hypothetical individual might be well-advised to apply for a job with? A “tolerant,” openly lesbian liberal activist.

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Warning: NSFW tweet ahead with some vulgarity because, well, you know who we’re dealing with here. Discretion is advised.

“f*** u u closeted idiot – this is the patriarchy exposed – this is reality deal with it !!#NoKavanaughConfirmation #NotMyPresident,” Rosie O’Donnell, ever morally consistent, tweeted in response to Graham.

As of this writing, James Woods has been locked out of his account on Twitter for refusing to delete a meme. Rosie O’Donnell, who is willing to spew homophobia against someone for being Republican even though she’s a lesbian herself, is still tweeting like nothing happened.

Some folks notified @jack of the massive dose of cognitive dissonance there.

Ah, foolish Twitterer. Those rules about “dehumanization” don’t really apply to liberals!

It’s not difficult for Rosie O’Donnell to show you who she is. Plenty of liberals will attack the president’s sons, but it takes a special sort to attack Barron Trump. It also takes a special kind of LGBT individual to attack someone she believes is an LGBT individual for being such, but there you go.

However, it is indicative of what happens when you tell a liberal the truth. You’ll invariably get a rictus of fear and hate, one that — without fail — belies the placid surface of love and tolerance.

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C. Douglas Golden is a writer who splits his time between the United States and Southeast Asia. Specializing in political commentary and world affairs, he's written for Conservative Tribune and The Western Journal since 2014.
C. Douglas Golden is a writer who splits his time between the United States and Southeast Asia. Specializing in political commentary and world affairs, he's written for Conservative Tribune and The Western Journal since 2014. Aside from politics, he enjoys spending time with his wife, literature (especially British comic novels and modern Japanese lit), indie rock, coffee, Formula One and football (of both American and world varieties).
Morristown, New Jersey
Catholic University of America
Languages Spoken
English, Spanish
Topics of Expertise
American Politics, World Politics, Culture
