
Officers Shut Down White Woman Who Called Them About Black Real Estate Investor


Of all of the racists in the systematic racism hierarchy the left alleges dominates the United States, few people rank higher than cops. If you believe the average Bernie Sanders supporter, the American law enforcement officer exists only to pull over anyone with the slightest tinge of melanin and beat them up if they do anything wrong (or even if they don’t).

Never mind that there’s not a whole lot of evidence for this hysterical position; perception, for the left, is reality. Unfortunately for them, reality occasionally impinges upon this narrative — just like it recently did in Memphis, Tennessee.

According to the New York Post, real estate investor Michael Hayes was paying a visit on May 5 to a property that he had under contract and was being repaired — something that real estate investors are wont to do with some frequency.

Nothing should have been problematic about this visit. The only problem was that Hayes was an African-American and one of the women in the neighborhood apparently had racial sensibilities that were somewhere in the area of Richard Spencer’s.

Hayes began rolling the camera, and thus began a viral video that featured one of the most awesome, no-nonsense cops patrolling the streets in the Home of the Blues.

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“So we’re out here at a house now, one of where we’re under contract to pick up on, and for whatever reason, the neighbor has called the police on us,” Hayes says in the camera at the beginning of the video, which took place after the police were called. He then asks the woman when the cops were coming.

“I mean, this is what we go through — (a) young black man out here trying to do what’s right and we get the police called on us,” Hayes said.

So, did the cop arrest Hayes? Did he give him a hard time? Did he disrespect him? Heck no. He backed up Hayes and shut down Ms. David Duke about as hard as he possibly could.

“You keep the camera rolling,” one of the officers, a white male, told Hayes.

Do you think the police acted correctly in this situation?

“If you have any problems with her, what I want you to do is call me back over here and she will go to jail today. I don’t fool around.”

The woman then tried to tell the cops that she had friends in the sheriff’s department, which is the non-famous person’s version of “Do you know who I am?”

For whatever reason, this didn’t work: “I don’t care if you’re friends with the president,” the police officer told her. “You’re going to let him do what he’s going to do. Listen to me — if you try to do anything to stop him, I’m going to take you to jail.”

Even then, our favorite racist tried to boss Hayes around, telling him to “hurry up” and “get out.” (Protip: In the year 2018, don’t use the words “get out” as a command towards black people if at all possible. Aside from being profoundly stupid, if there are cops around, that’s a good way to end up in your own version of the “sunken place” — namely, county jail.)

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The cops, meanwhile, informed her that “he can take all day.”

“He can do it all night, it doesn’t matter. He’s in control, he’s got a contract, so that is what it is.”

Given the situation, Hayes asked the cops to stick around while he took his pictures.

Now, here’s where this is a Rorschach test. Most articles about this encounter seem to mention this as a case of racial profiling. However, what they don’t mention is the cops who made sure this investor was kept safe from a dangerous individual.

Yes, from what we can gather from the video, this woman is a mephitic racist. She’s not just a bad person but a dangerous one as well. And what did the police do? They protected an African-American man who was being intimidated by a menacing bigot.

In the wake of the incident, the Memphis Police Department pointed out that what these officers did constitute “examples of the vast majority” of the force.

“Our officers will respond to all calls of service and are trained and expected to respond in a professional manner,” a statement from the department read. “Regarding this specific incident, our officers responded and handled the situation accordingly. We are thankful to Mr. Hayes for recording a positive interaction with MPD officers and for sharing the true image of what our officers represent.”

Perhaps more people will realize that this is what police do most of the time. They help out law-abiding citizens like Mr. Hayes when they’re in danger. Yes, there are exceptions, and they should be called out. But we should also acknowledge the job that the vast majority of officers do — without regard to the race, creed, sex, ethnicity or age of the victim or perpetrator. And they put their lives on the line to do it.

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C. Douglas Golden is a writer who splits his time between the United States and Southeast Asia. Specializing in political commentary and world affairs, he's written for Conservative Tribune and The Western Journal since 2014.
C. Douglas Golden is a writer who splits his time between the United States and Southeast Asia. Specializing in political commentary and world affairs, he's written for Conservative Tribune and The Western Journal since 2014. Aside from politics, he enjoys spending time with his wife, literature (especially British comic novels and modern Japanese lit), indie rock, coffee, Formula One and football (of both American and world varieties).
Morristown, New Jersey
Catholic University of America
Languages Spoken
English, Spanish
Topics of Expertise
American Politics, World Politics, Culture
