
Officials Speculate Why Deer Savaged Woman at Her Home: 'They Become Aggressive and Dangerous'


A 67-year-old woman was attacked by an “aggressive” mule deer outside of her home in Silver Cliff, Colorado, on Dec. 16.

The woman suffered a puncture wound in her left leg when the mule deer buck went on the offensive, according to the New York Post. In a new release issued on Sunday, the Colorado Parks and Wildlife Department stated that its officers are currently searching for the deer. The woman described the buck to CPW officials as having two spikes on each antler.

Though the attack just occurred, officials believe they know why the deer suddenly became aggressive.

The officials speculate that, because the attack occurred so close to the woman’s home, the deer may have been attracted by a bird feeder on the property.

“The victim told a CPW officer that she feeds birds and had thrown out bread earlier that day,” said Mike Brown, the CPW area wildlife manager for the region.

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Since the deer attacked so close to the woman’s home, officials believe that someone was feeding the deer, causing it to forego its natural fear of people.

“I believe this is a good example of what happens when deer lose their natural fear of humans,” Brown noted.

He continued: “They become aggressive and dangerous. This is a good reminder that wild animals should always be treated as such and that people need to give wildlife the space they need.”

In addition to the puncture wound, the woman also suffered significant bruising on her right leg.

Do you have deer living near you?

CPW officials say she was able to get back inside her home and call her husband for help. She was later taken to a nearby hospital for treatment.

While it’s true that we are called to be stewards of the natural world and care for all of God’s creatures, we should not forget the power some creatures possess.

Animals, especially wild animals, will not hesitate to attack humans when they fear they are in danger.

And while we usually think of deer as the hunted, they can just as easily become the hunters.

We tend to forget the size and strength such animals possess. Coupled with their untamed nature, they can become violent and aggressive in an instant, as occurred in this case.

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When it comes to animals, it’s also important to not put yourself or your family in danger. We may think we are doing good by giving an animal a piece of bread now and again, but once a wild animal learns it can get food from a certain place, it will keep coming back.

And although taking care of animals can be a fulfilling and noble endeavor, some animals are best left in the wild.

There’s a reason why dogs and cats are the preferred house pets over lions, tigers or deer.

So, you may want to think twice before you leave out food for your favorite wildlife — it may just save you in the long run.

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Anthony Altomari is a commentary writer for the Western Journal. He focuses his writing on culture and politics.
Anthony Altomari is a commentary writer for the Western Journal. He focuses his writing on culture and politics.
