
Omarosa's Book Tanks After Her 15 Minutes of Fame Dry Up


Former Trump campaign and White House official Omarosa Manigault-Newman was a key fixture on most of the liberal media networks for about two weeks as she promoted her new book “Unhinged,” which purportedly details her time working in the Trump administration.

According to BizPacReview, that book levels a number of sharp criticisms and allegations against President Donald Trump, such as his supposedly diminishing mental health and his allegedly blatant and unmistakable racist and misogynistic views against minorities and women.

And then there was, of course, the supposed existence of an alleged audio tape where Trump can be heard using the infamous “N-word.”

The liberal media was only too happy to give Manigault-Newman a broad platform to promote her book of wild anti-Trump claims and air secretly recorded audio tapes, which they gladly hyped even as they routinely failed to deliver on expectations.

Ironically, Trump’s tweets in opposition to Manigault-Newman’s claims — he called her “crazed,” a “lowlife,” “wacky” and a “dog” — likely helped boost attention for her book ahead of it hitting bookstore shelves on August 14.

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But according to a report from The Washington Post, Manigault-Newman is probably wishing she could be the subject of angry tweets from Trump once more, as sales for her book plummeted following its initial week of release.

The book reportedly sold more than 33,000 hardcover copies in its first week for sale, but those sale numbers dropped by more than 40 percent in the following week.

The most obvious reason for the substantial drop-off in sale numbers is that the book has largely been shown to be a work of fiction, as most of the wildest claims that were hyped by the media lack substance or verification.

Furthermore, the juiciest parts of the tell-all book had already been discussed ad nauseum by the media, leaving little reason for people at home to buy the book and read it all for themselves.

Are you ready for Omarosa's 15 minutes of fame to be over?

On top of that, Manigault-Newman has revealed herself to be a self-interested backstabber that turned on her former boss and mentor, as well as her friends, when she thought she could make a quick buck and garner national attention in the media spotlight.

Regardless of ideology, being characterized as a self-interested backstabber is not a good look for anybody, and tends to turn most Americans off.

The Post noted that most new books see a drop-off in sale numbers following their first week on the market, but that drop-off typically isn’t as severe as what was experienced with Manigault-Newman’s book.

However, even as sales have tumbled, Manigault-Newman will likely enjoy at least another week on the best-seller lists, but that is really only because there aren’t any other new books hitting the market at this point in time.

Following the Labor Day holiday, when the fall publishing season begins to ramp up, it is expected that Manigault-Newman’s book will be replaced by a number of other new books that will soon be released to dominate sales, some of which should dwarf the not-particularly-impressive sales numbers Manigault-Newman earned.

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In the end, her book will be just another “flash-in-the-pan” political memoir that will disappear from people’s memories after receiving incredible amounts of hype prior to being released.

Something else that will soon be characterized as a “flash-in-the-pan” is Manigault-Newman’s career and reputation, as her 15 minutes of fame — or in her case, infamy — is drawing rapidly to a conclusion.

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Ben Marquis is a writer who identifies as a constitutional conservative/libertarian. He has written about current events and politics for The Western Journal since 2014. His focus is on protecting the First and Second Amendments.
Ben Marquis has written on current events and politics for The Western Journal since 2014. He reads voraciously and writes about the news of the day from a conservative-libertarian perspective. He is an advocate for a more constitutional government and a staunch defender of the Second Amendment, which protects the rest of our natural rights. He lives in Little Rock, Arkansas, with the love of his life as well as four dogs and four cats.
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