
Op-Ed: America Has Opted for the Same Lie Sold by Stalin, Mao and Hitler


America is caught in a cultural riptide that is dragging us to a place where most of us really don’t want to go.

To those bothering to look, it is a current that alarmingly is growing in strength, becoming inescapable and with increasing speed is taking us further and further away from that shining light on the hill we were raised to love and used to call home.

As that light — symbolic of our liberties and freedoms — fades in the distance, we are being swept away against our will toward a dark place ruled by a self-chosen cabal of elitists who have proclaimed themselves to be uniquely endowed with a politically correct humanist form of “enlightenment.”

The society they are crafting is a place where values and traditions we once thought were right are now condemned as wrong. And those social practices that we used to consider wrong are now not only being codified as right but are being placed on humanist altars of social justice before which the unenlightened — We the People — are ordered to bend a knee in worship … or else.

Consider how we are now being told that all white people are, by definition, racial bigots solely by virtue of their skin color. And we are also now informed that all white people as a group are to be considered white supremacists who are committed to the perpetuation of an only recently discovered systemic racism that, in turn, was cleverly institutionalized by a Constitution drafted by white slave owners.

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No longer is it defensible to assert that those men sought to create a unique nation where all men and women should be treated as equally under our laws as the God who created us all views them to be.

Instead, we are told that if we ever hope to arrive at the utopian society the “enlightened” elites claim to be achievable, white people just need to apologize for the “privileges” they have “usurped,” make reparations for the damages they have inflicted and then just get out of the way … or else.

Of course, there remain some among the unwashed who continue to challenge the logic — or, better yet, the lack thereof — of those who would postulate that the victims of such race-based bigotry are themselves the bigots.

Do you think America has "forgotten God"?

But they are quickly dismissed for failing to appreciate that the lack of logic inherent to the policies of the “enlightened” is no longer to be considered relevant within the confines of the public debate as they have defined it.

Meanwhile, in this newly reinvented culture we are being forced to inhabit, Democrats are advocating laws that would require schools, businesses and churches to surrender their constitutional liberties in order to avoid discriminating in any way against people with hairy chests and five-o’clock shadows who may also choose to grow breasts, wear a dress and paint their nails.

Nor are we to even think about complaining if some of these same individuals out-compete our daughters on the track or wrestling mat, or even if they choose to share our daughters’ locker room showers. We are told sexual orientation and gender preference are not for anyone other than the individual to decide.

Thus, predictably, based on this illogical game plan, it will not be long before civil rights protections will soon be extended as well to pedophiles and polygamists … or else.

For many caught in this cultural riptide, the question to be asked is, “How do we get out of this fix?”

The answer may lie in how we got here.

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As a nation, we have willfully untethered ourselves from the anchor that once guided the morality of this country, i.e. a belief in the God from which emanated the Judeo-Christian ethics upon which this country was founded. To our shame, many of us remained silent as we were told by a few that a culture’s morality is not dependent on the precepts of an imaginary God.

Humans, we were told by the politically correct, “enlightened” few, are capable of forming their own morality.

And indeed, according to them, only when the moral devotion of humanity is unleashed from the “tyrannical” commandments of such a God and redirected toward wherever our worship of “science” and “humanity” can take us will we be allowed to reach the utopia of our own creation that we have been assured by the enlightened is attainable.

And therein lies the very lie that has been offered to replace the God-inspired truth and standards we as a people used to share in common.

It is this very same lie of the inherent goodness of a humanist morality that was sold to people by socialist leaders in the past like Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin and Mao Zedong to enable those same people to justify — in their minds — the need to kill tens of millions of their fellow man.

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn put it this way when asked how the socialist policies in Russia came to result in the death of over 60 million people: “Men have forgotten God.”

Logic dictates that is something America might want to seriously consider soon before the cultural riptide of today takes us beyond the point of no return … or else.

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Cliff Nichols is the author of "A Barrister’s Tales," the curator of The American Landscape and the drafter of The Declaration of Liberty. Buy "A Barrister's Tales" at Visit The American Landscape at Read The Declaration of Liberty at
