
Op-Ed: Durham Made 1 Big Mistake - It's Time for We the People to Demand Accountability


Be angry, America. Be really angry.

And now, put that anger to good use by raising your voices in fearless unison to bring accountability to the corrupt scoundrels out to destroy this country.

The long-awaited Durham report is out. But Americans who love their country and abide by the law will not be satisfied. Instead of issuing indictments against the despicable Obama-Biden-Clinton crew and their deputies who perpetrated one of the greatest crimes against this country, the Durham report leaves us simply with 306 pages of words on paper.

Americans deserve better. Where is the justice? Where is the accountability to hard-working Americans who were duped, force-fed as fact the Russia hoax for nearly a decade?

Where are the consequences for the cabal of power-hungry liars who set the witch hunt in motion in 2016, bastardized the U.S. Constitution, lodged false charges against innocent Americans while illegally spying on them, weaponized our system of justice, used their positions to interfere in an election and then the transfer of power, and spit on the sanctity of this nation’s rule of law?

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The survival of the United States of America is now in the hands of We the People. The Durham report makes that crystal clear with this one statement: “Our investigation determined that the Crossfire Hurricane investigators did not and could not corroborate any of the substantive allegations contained in the Steele reporting.”

Yet the report makes no criminal referrals. Instead of pursuing justice against the criminals, it whitewashes their crimes.

Funded by the 2016 Hillary Clinton campaign, the Steele dossier was the discredited evidence used by Obama’s Department of Justice and FBI to open a broad investigation — called Crossfire Hurricane — against innocent Americans to destroy their lives and families, ruin their reputations and bankrupt them. It was the premise used to conduct a coup against the entire country and the president we elected, Donald J. Trump.

It was the trigger that sparked the Obama regime’s intelligence community assessment that falsely linked Trump and his supporters to Russia. It was the source of a hailstorm of media lies that supported the conspiracy against the American public known as Russiagate.

On April 10, 2016, a few short months before his spy chiefs began their surveillance and propaganda operation against Trump’s presidential campaign, Obama sat for an interview on Fox News and told America, “I do not talk to the attorney general about any investigations. I do not talk to any FBI directors about pending investigations. … I guarantee that there is no political influence in any investigation conducted by the Justice Department or the FBI, not just in this case [the investigation of Clinton’s use of a private server], but in any case. Full stop. Period.”

We must not forget that the man ultimately responsible for endangering the country’s national security and inflicting injustice and corruption on America is Barack Obama. At least the Durham report recognizes that his Department of Justice and FBI “failed to uphold their important mission of fidelity to the law.”

If those law enforcement officials were not faithful to the law, then they committed crimes. And if they committed crimes and are not charged with those crimes, then the Durham report is meaningless, and justice is not served. And that, my fellow Americans, is shameful.

But patriots rise to the occasion when the battle lines are drawn. It’s in our DNA. It is the history of this country’s citizens’ relentless fight for freedom over generations.

The time is now. It is time to raise your voice, be courageous in the face of the challenge, and never surrender.

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There is an election on the horizon. The uni-party and its partners in the propaganda press are coming after We the People with all they have — ballot malfeasance and bundles of cash for corporate honchos and Big Tech to interfere in the 2024 election.

Now is the time to put your anger to use and stand tall for the truth, election integrity and American values and see to it that those who injured the United States of America and targeted Americans are held to account.

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Mary Flynn O’Neill is executive director of America’s Future, Inc., among the nation’s oldest educational nonprofits dedicated to protecting our God-given rights, American values and traditions, and the republic. To learn more, visit
