
Patrick Mahomes Refuses to Call for Gun Control After Kansas City Shooting - 'I Continue to Educate Myself'


The quarterback considered by many to be the best player in the NFL is steering clear of partisan messaging in the wake of a shooting at a parade celebrating his team’s 2024 Super Bowl victory.

Patrick Mahomes of the Kansas City Chiefs has rebuffed calls to advocate for gun control, according to a Time magazine profile of the two-time NFL MVP published Tuesday.

“I continue to educate myself,” Mahomes told Time. “I don’t want to make a quick response to something that takes a lot of education to really learn and make a swaying comment based off that.”

“But I know we have to find a solution of some way to make this stuff stop,” he added.

The shooting at the Chiefs’ Super Bowl parade in February left one dead and 22 wounded.

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On the day of the tragedy, Mahomes posted on X that he was “praying for Kansas City.”

Time reported that Mahomes and his wife Brittany also visited victims in the hospital and donated $50,000 to a fund to “aid the victims and first responders and support violence-prevention organizations.”

Mahomes took a similarly hands-off stance in the Time interview when it came to the 2024 presidential election.

“I don’t want to pressure anyone to vote for a certain president,” he said, instead urging Americans to make their own informed decision.

“I want people to use their voice, whoever they believe in. I want them to do the research.”

The three-time Super Bowl champion also addressed the longevity of his NFL career, expressing some doubt that he would play as long as all-time legend Tom Brady did.

Mahomes pointed to his desire to spend time with his family as a potential obstacle to a 20-year career.

“If I played until Tom [Brady]’s age, my daughter would be 19, 20 years old,” he said.

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“I would love to play that long. … At the same time, I want to be there for my daughter. If I can do that, I’ll continue to play. But if I feel like it’s taking away from my family time, that’s when I’ll know it’s time to go.”

A Note from Our Deputy Managing Editor:


I heard a chilling comment the other day: “We don’t even know if an election will be held in 2024.” 


That wasn’t said by a conspiracy theorist or a doomsday prophet. No, former U.S. national security advisor Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn said that to the founder of The Western Journal, Floyd Brown.


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Josh Manning

Deputy Managing Editor

The Western Journal

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