Lifestyle & Human Interest

People Horrified After Seeing What Wax Museum Did to Prince William, Kate Sculptures


Poor Prince William.

It’s bad enough that he recently lost his grandmother, Queen Elizabeth II, and soon thereafter got royally slammed in his brother’s tell-all book.

Now he’s gone viral in a TikTok video showing a wax museum image of him that is so horribly inaccurate and awkward, that it is hilarious.

The image of the Prince of Wales was seen in a video of the Polonia Wax Museum in Krakow.

The introductory subtitles set the tone for the slide show: “Come with me to the worst Wax museum in Poland,” it promised.

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The video showed many displays of famous figures from movies, including “Shrek,” “Harry Potter” and “Pirates of the Caribbean,” as well as real-life politicians and celebrities.

Some of the representations seem to hit closer to the mark than others.

Commenters, for example, praised the figure of boxer Mike Tyson for being a good likeness.

And the image of Vladimir Putin looks pretty spot-on as well — a wise move, considering Poland’s proximity to the war-mongering Russian president’s turf.

Would you go to this wax museum?

Alas, Britain’s royal family did not fare as well, which makes the image of William a show-stopper … for all the wrong reasons.

The figure’s clothing — a bright-red jacket liberally trimmed with a gold braid — makes it clear who it is supposed to be. The hair color is pretty close, too, and the eyes and nose are passable.

But that facial expression.

The facial expression is what has the internet howling with laughter. (The video has 1.8 million likes and over 35,000 shares.)

The artist was clearly trying to duplicate William’s cheerful, toothy grin. But instead, the unfortunate result was a mouth with teeth bared in what appears to be either a snarl or a hiss — or maybe even a painful grimace.

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The figure of William’s wife, Catherine, Priness of Wales, is not much better. Her face sports a goofy, almost buck-toothed grin, and her forehead extends so high it looks like Kate’s hairline is receding almost as much as her husband’s.

The figure of the late Queen Elizabeth is not much better. It bears a passing resemblance to the real monarch, except that her wispy, shapeless hairdo gives her sort of a bag-lady air … and there’s that receding hairline again.

“lol prince William scared me with his smile lol,” one TikTok commenter observed.

“The entire budget went into making Tyson,” another remarked.

The only consolation is that the figures of the royal family are not the worst in the museum.

That award might go to the Harry Potter exhibit, which purports to show the world’s three most famous fictional child wizards — Harry, Hermione and Ron. But what it really looks like is that three 1980s department-store mannequins were plucked out of a dumpster and dressed in black commencement robes with really bad wigs.

Patrons seem to either love the tourist attraction or hate it. On TripAdvisor, where customers share reviews for the attractions they visit, most ratings for the Polonia Wax Museum scored it either “excellent” (142 out of 372 reviews) or “terrible” (106), with the remainder somewhere in between.

One U.K. reviewer named Vanessa expressed her delight with the attraction. “I have never laughed so much in a museum!” she said.

“I’m not sure if it’s a serious [wax] museum or not still to this day! The characters are hilarious and the further you get in there, the funnier it is! I would highly recommend it for anyone having a bad day and needs cheering up!”

Nina and Gavin wrote, “We visited after vodka tasting for a reason. Thus was based on previous reviews and we really really wanted to have a laugh. We were not disappointed. It was so bad it was good and well worth the visit … This is a must in Krakow, but vodka first folks helps.”

Another wrote, “This place is so bad its brilliant. My family never laughed so much in a long time.”

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Lorri Wickenhauser has worked at news organizations in California and Arizona. She joined The Western Journal in 2021.
Lorri Wickenhauser has worked at news organizations in California and Arizona. She joined The Western Journal in 2021.
