Lifestyle & Human Interest

Police Recording Captures New Disturbing Details of How Mother Was Found the Night Her Children Were Murdered


New information has been released in connection to a Massachusetts woman and her alleged murder of her children and suicide attempt.

Recordings of calls between 911 dispatch and first responders reveal that Lindsay Clancy slit her own neck before jumping from the second floor of the Massachusetts home where she lived with her husband, Patrick Clancy, and their three children, according to the New York Post.

Patrick Clancy came upon the scene after arriving home with dinner for the family on Jan. 24, the Post reported.

The material made public does not include Patrick Clancy’s 911 call, according to the Post.

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On the recordings released, one of the first responders can be heard saying Lindsay Clancy had, “neck lacerations” and that she was still conscious at the time, in spite of the fact it was over a 20-foot drop from the home’s second floor to the ground.

Ambulances were called to the scene and it was noted that there were “four patients total.”

It was also acknowledged at that time that it was “a suicidal situation.”

Clancy, 32, is still in the hospital recovering from her suicide attempt.

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She’s able to communicate and move her arms and legs, but she is unable to get out of bed, Plymouth County District Attorney told a judge during a hearing Friday, according to The Boston Globe.

Clancy remains in custody as she waits for her trial, according to the U.K. Daily Mail.

She’s being charged with murdering her children: Cora, 5, Dawson, 3, and Callan, 7 months.

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Kevin J. Reddington, Clancy’s lawyer, told a judge on a previous occasion that it’s possible Clancy was suffering from postpartum psychosis, the Daily Mail reported.

She was on a mix of 12 different prescription drugs in attempt to treat her condition, Reddington said, according to the Daily Mail.

“We’ve got a person who suffered grievously as a result of what possibly could be postpartum depression, postpartum psychosis,” Reddington said at Friday’s hearing, the Globe reported.

“She had medical care and treatment on a regular basis. And her husband was very proactive in trying to protect her and help her with the doctors’ medication she was prescribed.

“They went through hell — and they didn’t come back.”

On a GoFundMe page, Patrick Clancy wrote that he has forgiven his wife.

It’s not unusual for a woman to experience postpartum depression after delivering a baby, according to WebMD.

The condition is a complicated and radical mix of physical (especially hormonal), emotional and behavioral changes that women experience after giving birth to a baby.

Estrogen and progesterone increase tenfold during pregnancy, then plummet after delivery.

About 1 in 10 women experience postpartum depression for an extended period of time.

However, 1 in 1,000 will experience postpartum psychosis.

If you or someone you know is in crisis, call 988 to reach the Suicide and Crisis Lifeline. You can also call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 800-273-8255 or text HOME to 741741.

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