
Politician Records Topless Video Bragging About Fornicating, Asking for Votes, Then Calls Herself a Victim


While politics has always been dirty, there was a time when political swine wanted to at least appear decent in public. This meant we were spared the sordid details of their fornicatory pastimes. If the information about immorality did slip out, it usually meant the end of the political career.

That is no longer the case. The standards of the governing classes of Western civilization have plunged so far that to one Colombian politician, a topless video asking for votes seemed like a clever idea.

Catalina Jaramillo, a Green Party candidate, recorded an intimate scene that morphed into a campaign spot. The seemingly topless Jaramillo, being cuddled in bed by her lover, bragged about her sexual prowess before asking for voter support. When the video leaked, she claimed to be a victim.

Jaramillo spoke in Spanish and referred to herself in the third person. English captions were added that translated her words.

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According to the subtitles, Jaramillo said, “’Hello, today your Green Party Assembly candidate, number 74, woke up very happy. Lovingly, she woke to many orgasms. She spent a night with a spectacular full moon asking for this Assembly to be a reality for women and the farmers. So don’t forget, vote for the Assembly, Green Party, the one with the sunflower, number 74. Goodbye.”

The sunflower and number 74 mentioned have appeared on campaign materials Jaramillo was photographed with.

The Green Party is most often associated with radical environmentalist policies.

While adult-themed, the clip of Jaramillo and her friend was not explicit. Still, The Western Journal will not be posting the video, for obvious reasons.

Should a video like this disqualify a person from running for office?

The video suggests Jaramillo just recorded some playful, spontaneous pillow talk. The problem is, she did not keep it to herself.

The Daily Mail reported while the video was never meant for public release, Jaramillo shared it with her campaign staffers on a WhatsApp group.

Of course, the racy clip leaked and went viral.

Jaramillo defended her indiscretion by claiming victimhood.

“Within the campaign we are going to do all the investigations and all the procedures to find out what happened and I ask all my voters and followers for a lot of understanding with this situation of which I was a victim,” Jaramillo wrote in a Facebook post.

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Releasing such compromising material in this age of omnipresent social media shows poor judgment at best by a person seeking to be an elected representative.

What Jaramillo let loose on the internet pales in comparison to videos of Democrat Susanna Gibson, a nominee for a seat in the Virginia House of Delegates.

According to Politico, Gibson and her husband performed live sex acts on an online forum, and solicited “tips” for their performances.

Politico always plays defense for Democrats, and even titled the article about the erupting scandal, “So What if a Candidate Livestreamed Sex Acts with Her Husband?”

“Politicians have always pushed society’s sexual boundaries. The next taboo is bound to fall soon,” read the subtitle.

Politicians pushing boundaries is one way to put it. Another way to describe it would be “ruthlessly abusing positions of power,” like the great feminist icon Bill Clinton.

Another description for lusty politicians could be “utterly compromised by their reckless appetites,” like Democrat Eric Swalwell and his Chinese spy, or Democrat Anthony Weiner sexting a minor.

Just because Jaramillo and Gibson are women, we cannot overlook what the displays they put on say about their characters and discernment.

The fact that women are openly leading in such debauchery, and expecting a free pass into public life, is more evidence of the failures of the Western establishment.

How far we have fallen as a people and civilization. Our only hope is repentance and a return to Christ and the Bible.

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Richard Bledsoe is an author and internationally exhibiting artist. His writings on culture and politics have been featured in The Masculinist, Instapundit and American Thinker. You can view more of his work at
Richard Bledsoe is an author and internationally exhibiting artist. His writings on culture and politics have been featured in The Masculinist, Instapundit and American Thinker. You can view more of his work at
