
Prince Harry Fundamentally Changed After Meeting Meghan, College Peer Says in New Book


A new biography about the Duke of Sussex alleges that Prince Harry was not always the ardent proponent of “woke” dogma he is today.

The book, “Gilded Youth” by Tom Quinn, quotes an unnamed peer of Harry’s from his days at Eton College.

According to the Daily Mail, the anonymous contemporary described Harry as a much different man before his marriage to Meghan, Duchess of Sussex.

“He was funny, a bit cynical, and great company because, like the rest of us, he made jokes that we are no longer allowed to make,” the peer stated.

Harry’s fellow Eton alumnus claim that Harry switched his worldview upon meeting and marrying Meghan, saying that the prince turned into a “‘Guardian-reading tree hugger.”

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“He rarely, if ever, spoke about global warming. He was a sort of Tim-Nice-but-Dim character who liked getting p***** with his army and Eton friends, did a bit of shooting and fishing, and was otherwise undistinguished.”

The Daily Mail mentioned Harry’s sudden interest in climate change, pointing to an interview he did with Oprah Winfrey.

“Climate change is really playing a huge part in this as well as social media, and we just don’t – well, I mean, I know lots of people out there are doing as best they can to try and fix these issues — but that whole sort of analogy of walking into the bathroom with a mop when the bath is over-flooding, rather than just turning the tap off,” the duke stated.

Since the Duke and Duchess of Sussex have left their roles in the royal family, they have been vocal advocates for various left-wing causes, such as climate change, and matters of race.

In an interview with Michael Strahan, Harry pointed out the supposed “unconscious bias” he held on race being brought up as a royal.

“I think the same process that I went through regarding my own unconscious bias would be hugely beneficial to them,” speaking of his now estranged family.

“It’s not racism, but unconscious bias if not confronted, if not acknowledged, if not learned and grown from, that can then move into racism. And the way that I understand it is that we all want to be part of the solution rather than part of the problem,” he said as reported by the Daily Mail.

The cast-away royals have faced a fair amount of criticism for their public stances and statement, having recently been the focus of an episode of the hit comedy show, “South Park.”

According to The News, the duke and dutchess did not take too kindly to South Park’s satirical interpretation of their public image, where the couple was mocked for going on a “World Wide Privacy Tour,” as the “Prince of Canada and his wife.”

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That last joke alludes to the couple’s pseudo-exile to Canada after being stripped of their royal family duties, before their move to California.

The episode poked fun at the apparent hypocrisy of the couple who claim to want privacy, yet travel the world and write memoirs that tell about their private lives.

Reports came to light that the royals were mulling legal action over the episode, making one royal observer, Nile Gardiner, lash out on social media.

“Meghan and Harry only approve of free speech if it’s their own. They behave like entitled woke dictators,” Gardiner stated.

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