
Putrid Trains from Liberal States Shut Down After Alabamans Discover Their True Purpose, But Residents Just Caught Wind of the New Rail Spur


A nightmare for residents of Jefferson County, Alabama, might be recurring after an almost four-year hiatus.

According to WVTM-TV in Birmingham, documents recently filed by the Alabama Department of Environmental Management are eerily reminiscent of a problem that began in 2017.

In the summer of that year, Big Sky Environmental began funneling rail cars of human feces into Jefferson County. The waste came from the liberal Northeastern states of New York and New Jersey.

The cars would then unload the waste at a rail spur and transport it to a landfill in Adamsville, Alabama.

Residents said the horrific smell of the feces made its way throughout nearby towns, and the waste attracted massive swarms of flies to the area.

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In addition, some residents told WVTM they had witnessed human waste spilling onto the road as it was transported to the Adamsville landfill.

Big Sky Environmental said it stopped the practice in 2018 — but now it appears the “poop trains” might be rolling again.

According to WVTM, an ADEM inspector found a new rail spur had been constructed at the Adamsville landfill on Feb. 1. He also noted eight empty rail cars near the new spur.

The inspector wrote a report that said Big Sky Vice President of Operations Jonathan Click confirmed the cars had been unloaded in the last two weeks.

In addition, the outlet reported agency documents showed at least three wastewater facilities in New York and New Jersey received permission to dump waste in the landfill owned by Big Sky Environmental.

West Jefferson Mayor Charles Nix previously sued the company over the practice, and he told WSFA-TV in Montgomery that Big Sky probably had ulterior motives in trying to bring so-called biosolids back into Alabama.

“If it was harmless then they would dump it in their own state,” Nix said. “It looks like it’s just going to continue and they will accept anything from anyone in the United States just for financial gain no matter what the environmental cost is.”

There are two apparent problems that led to this problem for Jefferson County.

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First, New York and New Jersey are employing an eco-liberal mindset in dealing with waste problems. Instead of finding ways to deal with excess waste in their own states, they just shipped it to other states.

Democratic leaders in these states apparently are indifferent to the problems this causes for Alabama residents. For them, the mindset regarding their residents’ feces seems to be, “Out of sight, out of mind.”

Second, no matter what Big Sky Environmental claims, it seems clear the company’s actions are motivated chiefly by profit.

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On its website, Big Sky says, “At Big Sky Environmental, we care about taking care of the land. That is why we not only meet but exceed Alabama Department of Environmental Management regulations to protect the environment.”

“We feel that it is our responsibility to our communities and future generations to leave the environment in better shape than we inherited it,” the company says.

At the same time, it apparently is poised to once again start bringing waste from other states into Alabama, which almost certainly will have a negative impact on the state and its environment.

In a statement to WVTM, the state Department of Environmental Management said it will prevent the problems that led to the horrible stench and fly infestation in the past.

“ADEM will continue to conduct unannounced inspections (at least quarterly) at the site and will use enforcement tools, when necessary, to compel compliance,” it said.

“Please remember, last time this was an issue, the railcars were stacked up at off-site rail spurs which were outside of ADEM’s purview. This time, the rail yard is on-site and as such is subject to the requirements of their solid waste disposal permit.”

In addition, the agency issued a temporary cease-and desist-order as it investigated the developments from Big Sky Environmental, WSFA reported.

Even with these new protocols, it is hard to blame Jefferson County residents for being wary about a potential relapse.

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Grant is a graduate of Virginia Tech with a bachelor’s degree in journalism. He has five years of writing experience with various outlets and enjoys covering politics and sports.
Grant is a graduate of Virginia Tech with a bachelor's degree in journalism. He has five years of writing experience with various outlets and enjoys covering politics and sports.
