
Radical Left-Wing Mob Overwhelms Local Police, Storm Tesla Factory Grounds


A horde of militant leftists stormed the grounds of the Tesla Gigafactory near Berlin on Friday.

Footage from the scene of the mob action showed a crowd of black-clad activists breaching police lines and running toward the building.

The crowd reached the gate of the facility but didn’t obtain interior access, according to The Telegraph.


Tesla CEO Elon Musk rebuffed claims that the protestors had stormed the factory itself.

“This is fake news,” he said in a post on his X social media platform.

“Protesters did not manage to break through the fenceline,” Musk said. “There are still 2 intact fence lines all around.

“Note, this is ‘National Protest Week’ in Germany, so there are a lot of protests for many different reasons.”

Several arrests were made in connection to the incident, The Telegraph reported. It said paramedics had treated injured protesters and police officers.

Tesla staff assigned to the factory were told to work from home Friday.

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The factory has been the target of criminal action before.

An act of arson cut power to the facility in March, with German prosecutors investigating the possibility of terrorism in the incident, according to The Associated Press.

Police confront radical activists in a forest near the Tesla Gigafactory electric car factory in Germany on Friday.
Police confront radical activists in a forest near the Tesla Gigafactory electric car factory in Germany on Friday. (Axel Schmidt / Getty Images)

Musk said of the protesters Friday, “These are either the dumbest eco-terrorists on Earth or they’re puppets of those who don’t have good environmental goals.”

He cited Tesla’s production of electric vehicles, rather than those powered by fossil fuels, in questioning the motives of those responsible.

Between 50 and 100 people were camping in a forest near the Brandenburg facility with the intent of protesting or disrupting its operations, according to Wired.

Tesla is the world’s largest manufacturer of electric vehicles.

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