
Reporter Blasts KJP to Her Face for Refusing to Call on Him


Being the White House press secretary — for any president, let alone arguably the most incompetent one in the history of the nation — can’t be easy.

But if you accept the job, you have to be able to perform it.

Karine Jean-Pierre clearly cannot.

The spokeswoman for the president refuses to call on certain reporters, dodges questions, and acts like the spoiled kid with the only ball at the playground who won’t let anyone she doesn’t like play.

On Tuesday, a reporter identified as the New York Post’s Steven Nelson called out Jean-Pierre as she wrapped up a news briefing.

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“It’s anti-democratic to refuse questions from one of our country’s four largest newspapers, Karine!” Nelson called as Jean-Pierre walked away from the podium.

This was not the first time Jean-Pierre has been called out by Nelson. Last month, the two sparred after Nelson told her she hadn’t called on him in “two seasons.”

“I’m not calling on you today!” Jean-Pierre responded with a petulant smirk.

“You should be ashamed of that!” Nelson shot back. “That shows disrespect to a free and independent media to blacklist one of our country’s largest and most widely read newspapers, Karine.”

It’s probably no coincidence that the reporters who have these issues with Jean-Pierre are all from right-leaning outlets.

Fox News’ Peter Doocy, another reporter who doesn’t lob softballs at the press secretary, often has to fight to get straight answers to his questions.

In September, Doocy asked Jean-Pierre what they call it at the White House when “10,000 people illegally cross the border in a single day.”

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When Jean-Pierre’s attempt at deflection didn’t work, she lost her temper and moved on without answering the question.

Jean-Pierre is fortunate that her boss is a Democrat. She would have to ignore and antagonize most of the press corps if he were a Republican.

A press secretary who runs away from tough questions is like a firefighter who runs away from a big fire.

She’s in the wrong job.

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Josh Manning

Deputy Managing Editor

The Western Journal

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Rachel Emmanuel has served as the director of content on a Republican congressional campaign and writes content for a popular conservative book franchise.
Rachel M. Emmanuel has served as the Director of Content on a Republican Congressional campaign and writes for a popular Conservative book franchise.
