
Republicans Plan Special Counsel Move That Could Torpedo Biden's Re-Election Chances in 'Blockbuster' Fashion: Report


As the implications of special counsel Robert Hur’s report on President Joe Biden’s hoarding of classified documents and his mental acuity settle in our minds, the potential consequences of this revelation grow more and more significant.

And, as a report in Axios states, House GOP leaders are not going to let it fade from memory.

Instead, according to Axios, three Republican House leaders went so far as to write a letter to Attorney General Merrick Garland on Monday evening, demanding the release of the recordings and transcripts of Hur’s interview with Biden, the interview that convinced Hur that Biden was “an elderly man with a poor memory,” making it inadvisable to bring him to trial for hoarding over 300 classified documents in his house.

GOP leaders include plans to ask Hur to testify regarding the results of his report, from the classified documents to Biden’s mental deficiencies, and include hearings on the matter, and even subpoenas, according to Axios.

Of course, Democrats are going to try to push back on Republicans’ plans, but even Democrats are forced to admit how damning the report is for Biden, and the catastrophic implications Biden’s ill-conceived news conference has for his re-election campaign.

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Despite acknowledging all these irrefutable facts, Axios frames the controversy swirled up by Hur’s report a little more cynically.

Axios and its unnamed sources frame Republicans’ push to scrutinize Biden’s cognitive abilities as a ploy to keep Biden’s age in the headlines, not even caring what’s contained in the actual findings.

And, of course, Axios brings up former President Donald Trump and the whole classified documents at Mar-a-Lago fiasco, even quoting a source close to Biden who said, “[with] the newfound GOP interest in classified documents, maybe they’ll have a field hearing at Mar-a-Lago, in the flooded server room.”

More importantly, though, as a source close to GOP leaders told Axios “[someone] might ask [Hur] if Biden is unfit to lead. Give him a chance to frame it.”

Is Biden mentally competent?

GOP leaders’ push for Hur to testify and release the recordings of his interview with the president are more than, as Axios implies, a cynical ploy to get Trump re-elected, but a matter of national importance.

These findings do matter, because the president’s mental fitness (or lack thereof) has massive consequences on both a national and international level.

Even Axios admits that any testimony from Hur could be “blockbuster.” And it’s a blockbuster with a real chance of tanking Biden’s hopes for re-election.

The health of the president has implications on the world stage we can’t even entirely fathom at this point.

As an imperfect analogy, think of how different United States history might have been had Abraham Lincoln not been assassinated.

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While the death of a president is not quite the same as a sitting president unable to comprehend basic facts of the world he lives in, the potential consequences are similar, and just as dire.

Russian President Vladimir Putin clearly doesn’t fear American might as much as he did when Trump was in office, and Biden’s cognitive deficiencies will only further embolden our enemies in Russia and China.

If there is a serious defect in Biden’s mental abilities (and the evidence in favor of that conclusion is formidable), then Americans must know about it.

A Note from Our Deputy Managing Editor:


I heard a chilling comment the other day: “We don’t even know if an election will be held in 2024.” 


That wasn’t said by a conspiracy theorist or a doomsday prophet. No, former U.S. national security advisor Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn said that to the founder of The Western Journal, Floyd Brown.


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Josh Manning

Deputy Managing Editor

The Western Journal

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