
'The Results Are In' - Maury Povich's Latest Effort Is Sad Sign of Times


Former talk show host Maury Povich is embarking on a new business venture, and it is a sobering reminder of the state of modern society.

On Saturday, People magazine reported that the retired host of “Maury,” a show known for its infamous paternity tests in order to settle family disputes, will be launching his own brand of at-home paternity tests.

The new tests are called “The Results Are In,” a reference to the catchphrase Povich would say before announcing the results of the paternity test to the families and the audience.

Povich is partnering with the DNA Diagnostic Center to produce the tests. The DDC is the same company that produced the tests for the show, and Povich claims that they have a 99 percent accuracy rate.

Speaking to People, Povich said that he is getting involved in order to help families that are suffering from paternity disputes.

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“I’ve been around paternity testing for more than 20 years,” he said, “so I know exactly what’s going on and how we can help those people who are looking for fathers, fathers who are looking for children, fathers who don’t think they’re the fathers and fathers who think they’re the fathers.”

He also added, “We can unite families after a long period of time.”

Now, I’m sure that Povich is genuinely well-intentioned with this launch, and it seems as though he wants these at-home paternity tests to be ways to unify families and solve lengthy and volatile disputes.

At the same time, however, the fact that Povich feels the need to launch these tests is a sobering reminder of the norms of our age.

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The reason these paternity tests are necessary is because the breakdown of the family unit is allowing unscrupulous men to take advantage of dubious paternity circumstances to benefit themselves.

Some men will try to run away from the responsibility of raising a child that is theirs by claiming they are not the father. Others will falsely claim to be the father in order to take advantage of a vulnerable woman.

The fact of the matter is, the disintegration of family values in American society has made paternity disputes an all too common occurrence in families today.

These paternity tests are ways to ensure that people are held responsible for their actions. It is very sad that these paternity tests exist, but unfortunately, they have become necessary.

Frankly, Hunter Biden’s mistress could use one of these in order to force him to pay his child support payments.

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The other issue that lies at the heart of this is fatherlessness. Too many American children are left without fathers these days, as fathers increasingly abandon their families.

We see the devastating consequences as children get older. Without that positive fatherly role model, many of them turn to crime. We see this, especially in black communities.

In short, Maury Povich’s paternity tests have the potential to actually do some good, but the fact that they are necessary shows just how far society’s morals have fallen.

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Peter Partoll is a commentary writer for the Western Journal and a Research Assistant for the Catholic Herald. He earned his bachelor's degree at Hillsdale College and recently finished up his masters degree at Royal Holloway University of London. You can follow him on Twitter at @p_partoll.
