
Rittenhouse Trolls Biden's Gas Prices, LeBron's 'Lemon Head' Diss with Epic Video - Libs Totally Melt Down


Kyle Rittenhouse is arousing the ire of liberals with a social media meme.

The Illinois youth shared a video on his personal Twitter account that superimposed an image of a gas station and a pump over footage of him crying while testifying in his homicide trial.

The meme addresses the skyrocketing gas prices under the Biden administration in a touch of dark humor one might expect of a 19-year-old boy.

Rittenhouse also referenced a tweet from LeBron James in which the NBA superstar chalked up Rittenhouse’s tearful reaction during his testimony to eating Lemon Heads.

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Rittenhouse had broken down while recounting his shooting of three men during an anti-police riot in August 2020. A jury determined that he acted in self-defense and found him not guilty in November.

Rittenhouse indicated during the same testimony that he’s suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder as a result of the shooting.

The video, which had over 30,000 likes as of Friday, incensed liberal Twitter users.

Ron Filipkowski, a partisan Democrat with a large following on Twitter, falsely claimed that Rittenhouse had reenacted his testimony in the video.

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In reality, real footage of his testimony was used in the meme.

Filipkowski would later delete his misleading tweet — after a representative for Rittenhouse asked him to take it down.

Rittenhouse went on to address Filipkowski’s false claim in a dig at the older generation.

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