
Rob Gronkowski Catches Passes from Tom Brady in Private Workout


Just last week, former New England Patriots tight end Rob Gronkowski appeared on “The Rich Eisen Show” and said he was enjoying the retired life after nine grueling NFL seasons.

Gronkowski announced his retirement in March and said his first offseason without football has been relaxing, albeit different from what he’s accustomed to.

“Just been relaxing, traveling, seeing the family and just enjoying myself,” he said. “You wanna know something? I’ve never had an August off in my life, so it’s gonna be a little different.

“That’s when it’s gonna start really seeing the change when that comes around in August when I’m not in training camp. I might not know what to do with myself in August.”


Well, it’s not even August yet but Gronkowski already has at least dipped his toes into the water of football life. He joined quarterback Tom Brady for a private workout on UCLA’s campus Monday, according to Mass Live.

Gronk caught passes from Brady, according to the report, although the main reason he was in Los Angeles was for a charity basketball game and the ESPYs.

TMZ Sports asked the former tight end about the practice session and he confirmed it.

“It was great working out,” Gronkowski said. “Tom needs someone to throw to so, you know, he calls Mr. Reliable Robbie G, the one and only! Woo!”

The reunion of the star Patriots duo has people speculating that Gronkowski might not truly be done with football.

Watch: Travis Kelce Responds to Rumors About His Retirement - 'Opportunities Outside of Football for Me'

During his interview with Eisen, Gronk said he expects to get the itch to return once we get closer to the season.

Do you think Rob Gronkowski will come out of retirement?

“There’s definitely going to be times when you miss it and everything,” he said. “I would always say that it’s still the offseason right now. I mean I can’t really say how I’m going to feel about it when the games start rolling around and everything.”

Gronkowski is just 30 years old. The Patriots apparently plan to employ a tight-end-by-committee approach to replace him, and that committee is led by Benjamin Watson, who is 38 and came out of retirement to rejoin New England.

However, the fact that an ex-Patriot is catching passes from Brady doesn’t mean that ex-Patriot will rejoin the team.

At this time last offseason, Brady was spotted throwing passes to former teammate Wes Welker, who was on the back of a golf cart, of all places.

Welker had last played for the Los Angeles Rams in 2015 and was an offensive assistant for the Houston Texans at the time. There wasn’t much talk of Welker rejoining the Patriots; it was just two friends and former teammates playing catch.

That could be the case with Gronk’s session with Brady — although Patriots fans aren’t giving up hope anytime soon.

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Ross Kelly has been a sportswriter since 2009.
Ross Kelly has been a sportswriter since 2009 and previously worked for ESPN, CBS and STATS Inc. A native of Louisiana, Ross now resides in Houston.
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