
Rosie O'Donnell Comes Unglued... Suggests Trump Affair Going on Inside the White House


The “Never Trump” crowd seems to have dropped to the level of trashy tabloids. Instead of forming well-reasoned arguments or finding evidence to back their views, some of the most vehement opponents of the president are resorting to unfounded rumors and manufactured scandals.

Unhinged “comedian” and talk show host Rosie O’Donnell is the latest person to hurl accusations at President Donald Trump. The far-left figure used Twitter to spread her latest conspiracy theory: Trump is having an affair with someone, and Rosie thinks she knows who it is.

The washed-up entertainer wasted no time in getting straight to her defamatory point. “Hope Hicks is Trumps lover – Corey and Porter are the beards – Trump is an abuser – wake up – this is insanity times a trillion,” O’Donnell declared.

Check out her Twitter posting here.

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Along with that hysterical message, Rosie also posted a photo of White House Communications Director Hope Hicks eating in a restaurant with the president, along with other members of the Trump team.

Hicks has worked closely with the president’s daughter Ivanka as part of her business team before being given larger responsibility in the Trump organization, and then with the presidential campaign and the current administration.

“Corey and Porter” in O’Donnell’s tweet refer to Corey Lewandowski and Rob Porter. Outlets including Business Insider have reported that Hicks dated those two Trump team members at different times in the past.

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Welcome to modern feminism: It couldn’t possibly be that Hope Hicks is smart, ambitious, and good at her job. In the mind of a leftist like O’Donnell, the only explanation for a woman advancing in Washington is because she’s having an affair with the president, who — in Rosie World — also happens to be her abuser.

What does that twisted view say about how Rosie O’Donnell and other liberals actually see successful women?

Unfortunately, Rosie’s disturbing tweet is not the first time a Trump opponent has resorted to spreading rumors to slander the president and disparage an ambitious woman.

“O’Donnell’s tweet seemed to allude to the Michael Wolff book ‘Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House,’ which insinuates that President Trump is having an extramarital affair with someone in the White House,” speculated BizPac Review.

“Previous speculation focused on Nikki Haley, who currently serves as ambassador to the United Nations.”

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That trashy gossip is exactly what Wolff tried to spread during a recent appearance on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe.”

The anti-Trump author tried to claim that Haley denying the tabloid rumors proved that they were true. His insinuation was so ridiculous that even liberal MSNBC host Mika Brzezinski had enough, and cut the interview short.

“You might be having a fun time playing a little game dancing around this,” Brzezinski scolded Wolff, “but you’re slurring a woman. It’s disgraceful.”

It’s worth noting that nearly everyone on the left complains about Donald Trump’s tendency to be crass, but then liberals like O’Donnell and Wolff work overtime to spread even more crass rumors about the president.

Throwing around libelous claims and scandalous hearsay is the behavior of people who know they’ve lost the argument.

O’Donnell stopped making any coherent sense a long time ago, and the fact that she still has a platform among the liberal fringe shows just how desperate they’ve become.

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Benjamin Arie is an independent journalist and writer. He has personally covered everything ranging from local crime to the U.S. president as a reporter in Michigan before focusing on national politics. Ben frequently travels to Latin America and has spent years living in Mexico.
