
Rush Was Right: Leftist Op-Ed Openly Calls for End of Presidential Elections


In July, radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh offered a dire prediction about how the left will react as the American people refuse to embrace its ideas.

Limbaugh was responding to a caller on his show who asked why the media and the left didn’t understand that millions of Republican voters would continue to support President Donald Trump after his nomination of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court and his tough stance on NATO.

To the left, Limbaugh said, it comes down to “ways have to be found to beat them and overcome them, but not persuade them and talk them, you know, into abandoning Trump. Well, I don’t know, but that just doesn’t seem to make much sense in the world of politics.

“I’ll tell you, folks, I’ve made this prediction once, I’m going to make it again here. It’s a long, long-term prediction. This is nothing rooted in any particular conspiracy theory I’ve heard, because I don’t ascribe to those. But it is becoming clear … It’s becoming clear to the left that the only thing standing in their way now is elections. …

“If they can find a way around that, then they don’t need to worry about appealing to people or getting out the vote or coming up with ways to convince people to vote. If you look at the way the radical left is going with this intolerant bullying and intimidation of anybody who disagrees with them, and the desire to stop any expression of any alternative view or way of thinking?

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“But I’m telling you that they’re gonna start thinking this way, because in their perverted worldview, the biggest problem they have right now is they’re losing elections. And their way of thinking is, ‘Well, we’ve got to get rid of elections then.’ If elections are the problem, rather than figuring how to win them since that’s becoming problematic for them, ‘We just gotta find a way to get rid of them.'”

Limbaugh said that you could “go ahead and laugh. Tell everybody I said that someday the left is gonna conclude that elections are the problem, but I’m telling you what.”

It didn’t take very long for his prediction to come true.

One month later, USA Today put out an Op-Ed by Tina Dupuy, a former Capitol Hill staffer, in which she calls for an end to presidential elections — and the presidency altogether.

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In the opinion piece, which was published Friday and updated Monday, Dupuy asserts that Trump is “proof that the U.S. presidency is broken and democracy is in peril.”

“If you’re stunned that President Donald Trump is still in office because he’s so horrible and so unpopular and so obviously corrupt — you are not alone — the overwhelming majority agrees with you,” she writes. “Only about 25 percent of eligible voters voted for President Grab ‘Em By The P—-. Yet, the majority was apparently powerless to stop him.”

Yes, Hillary Clinton was foiled by that pesky Constitution and its Electoral College, which Dupuy calls “a scab of slavery.”

She says the idea of abolishing the presidency originated with opponents of President Andrew Johnson and was revived by opponents of President Richard Nixon — proving that the notion of eliminating the office has long been pushed by bitter political foes who didn’t get their way.

Dupuy argues that she and her fellow Trump opponents can work together to make him the very last U.S. president.

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“Every partisan from every niche of American politics should be alarmed,” she writes. “We have a branch of government that stinks so bad it’s wafted over the entire nation and its outer territories. The entire world sees it. We’re in trouble. The presidency is broken. Our little democratic experiment is in peril.

“We can amend our Constitution to save the republic. Abolish the presidency! Power to the people!”

Rush was right again.

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Todd Windsor is a senior story editor at The Western Journal. He has worked as an editor or reporter in news and sports for more than 30 years.
Todd Windsor is a senior story editor at The Western Journal. He was born in Baltimore and grew up in Maryland. He graduated from the University of Miami (he dreams of wearing the turnover chain) and has worked as an editor and reporter in news and sports for more than 30 years. Todd started at The Miami News (defunct) and went on to work at The News & Observer in Raleigh, N.C., the St. Petersburg (now Tampa Bay) Times, The Baltimore Sun and Space News before joining Liftable Media in 2016. He and his beautiful wife have two amazing daughters and a very old Beagle.
Bachelor of Science from the University of Miami
Phoenix, Arizona
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