
Russia Bans International LGBT Movement from Country


Editor’s Note: Our readers responded strongly to this story when it originally ran; we’re reposting it here in case you missed it.

Sometimes it seems the whole world is embracing the LGBT craze.

But it’s not true. China is moving against such immorality. Middle Eastern opposition is well known, coupled with resistance in Africa. And there’s been a chilly reception to LGBT trends in Latin America.

Russia’s supreme court just made that nation’s opposition official.

On Nov. 30, it ruled that the “international LGBT public movement” is an extremist organization and banned it, The Washington Post reported.

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So, no, the whole world is not raising the rainbow flag (or, more correctly, twisting a symbol of God’s faithfulness). Some people still understand the laws of nature.

If you heard a strange noise in November, it may have been the collective gasp of liberals responding to the Russian high court’s ruling.

“Absurd, extrajudicial, illegal,” exclaimed Russian LGBT journalist and activist Renat Davletgildeev. “I can’t fit it into my mind.”

A “parody” is how one Russian LGBT group described the court’s decision, calling it an “attempt by the state to humiliate LGBTQ+ people and recognize them as second-class citizens.”

Will this move be beneficial for Russia?

Some criticism of the ruling stemmed from apparent confusion about what LGBT activities or pronouncements could lead to criminal charges.

This may be hearkening back to the old Soviet days (currently extant in some U.S. corporate human resource offices) when a crime was arbitrarily defined by those in charge.

At any rate, the LGBT ban represents a step in the morally correct direction. Remarkably, it comes from a country with a long communist history and a current leader of questionable reputation and character.

In covering the Russian court decision, Washington Post writers Robyn Dixon and Natalia Abbakumova exemplified the activist style of what used to be called news coverage.

The writers laced their story with words like “preposterous,” “repressive,” “global homophobia,” “intolerant countries,” and “regressive agenda.”

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And they hastened to point out that “the alleged [international LGBT] movement has no organizational structure, leadership, membership, website, or address.”

Of course, longtime readers of the Post and its fellow traveler, The New York Times, are used to the language of the editorial page now enshrined in what passes for the news section.

Which brings to mind the old joke about how Russians used to try to find any truth in their Soviet newspapers — they read them upside down.

You can read the current story any which way. The reality is Russia has stepped up to resist LGBT radicalism and struck a blow for tradition and nature.

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Mike Landry, PhD, is a retired business professor. He has been a journalist, broadcaster and church pastor. He writes from Northwest Arkansas on current events and business history.
Mike Landry, PhD, is a retired business professor. He has been a journalist, broadcaster and church pastor. He writes from Northwest Arkansas on current events and business history.
