Lifestyle & Human Interest

Samaritan Grabs Brick To Smash Window of Burning Dump Truck and Save Unconscious Driver Inside


Not everyone is in the right place at the right time or able to think quickly on their feet when they stumble across an emergency situation where their help could make all the difference, but on Monday, Kyle Waters proved to be capable of both.

Waters is the senior associate athletic director for facilities and operations at Oklahoma State University in Stillwater.

He was in a staff meeting when something outside caught everyone’s attention.

Going outdoors, he noticed a dump truck had crashed into a traffic control box and its tires were on fire, according to the Stillwater News Press.

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Waters, after assessing the scene, realized that the driver must still be trapped and his foot must be on the gas pedal.

“When the tires were still spinning, I knew there was someone in the truck,” he said. “I waited for the tires to blow out from the heat.”

Looking around him, Waters spotted a tool he could use to break into the truck: a landscaping brick. Breaking through the vehicle’s window, Waters was able to open the door. By that time, the man inside had regained consciousness.

“He didn’t know where he was,” Waters said. “He asked if we hit the winning shot.”

Apparently, the driver had experienced a medical emergency and lost control of the vehicle, continuing for at least two blocks, hitting cars and then ending up smashing into the traffic control box near the OSU Sherman E. Smith Training Facility.

Waters was able to rescue the man, and his intervention was recognized by OSU police on Tuesday. OSU Police Chief Leon Jones made a statement regarding Waters’ quick thinking and heroic actions.

“After witnessing the accident and seeing flames erupt from the truck, Kyle Waters, without fear for his own safety, removed the driver from the truck and to safety until LifeNet arrived to render aid,” Jones said, according to the News Press.

“Kyle is a true member of our community and deserves recognition for helping a person in need without regard for his own safety,” he said.

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“He is one of the reasons why Oklahoma State University and Stillwater is one of the greatest communities to live in,” Jones concluded.

Waters doesn’t view himself as a hero, he was just happy to help — especially since his own friend was rescued from a similar situation the year before by a good Samaritan passing by.

“That’s what I was thinking when I noticed someone was in the car,” Waters said. “A passerby saved his life with CPR, so I will always try to lend a hand when I can.”

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