
Senate Crushes Traitor McCain's Dreamer Bill


Arizona Sen. John McCain, a self-serving, back-stabbing pretend conservative best described as a “Republican In Name Only,” got served a dose of reality Thursday when the Senate stomped his pathetic immigration bill into the cold, hard ground.

Sponsored by both McCain and Sen. Christopher Coons, a Democrat, the so-called McCain-Coons bill would have provided “a path to citizenship for more than 1.8 million immigrants brought to the United States illegally as children” but not funded President Donald Trump’s southern border wall, according to The Hill.

Nor would have the bill addressed the president’s concerns about the diversity visa lottery program and chain migration.

Instead the bill would have handed the Democrats a total victory while leaving Republicans with nothing but a vague stipulation requiring “the Department of Homeland Security to secure the border by 2021.”

Congratulations on yet again proving to the American people why you don’t deserve to call yourself a Republican, Mr. McCain.

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He is, as a reminder, the same hack who betrayed his fellow Republicans last year by preventing them from repealing Obamecare twice.

Regarding his latest attempt at sabotage, even the Department of Homeland Security slammed it in a scathing statement Wednesday.

“The McCain-Coons proposal does not authorize a single penny for appropriations for border security, ensuring that our Nation’s border is never secured or our national security protected,” DHS said.

The White House expressed opposition as well, with spokeswoman Lindsay Walters saying,”The White House opposes the McCain-Coons immigration proposal, which would increase illegal immigration, surge chain migration, continue catch and release and give a pathway to citizenship to convicted alien felons.”

Is McCain a Republican In Name Only?

The only ones who actually liked the McCain-Coons bill were … wait for it … Democrats, including corrupt ones like Kamala Harris.

“Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.), one of several influential liberals who vowed to oppose funding the government absent a fix for the immigrants known as Dreamers, would support the McCain-Coons bill, her spokesman said Tuesday,” Politico reported this week.

New Jersey Sen. Robert Menendez, who went on trial last year for corruption, also reportedly expressed support for the bill.

Want to know who didn’t support the bill? The president:

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But he’s not just any president — he’s one whom McCain has repeatedly insulted and made fun of over the past two years.

Question for McCain: Who’s laughing now?

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