
Sex Trafficker Ghislaine Maxwell Wants to Rebrand as Female Role Model with Latest Move in Prison: Report


Who knows more about etiquette than a jet-setting sex trafficker?

That’s apparently the thinking at the federal prison in north Florida where Ghislaine Maxwell, the former procuress for the late, lamented “suicide” Jeffrey Epstein, is serving her two-decade sentence a year after she was convicted on charges related to grooming young girls to serve as sex toys.

Now, according to a report Monday in the U.K.’s Daily Mail, she’s all about empowering women behind bars — and naturally, Hillary Clinton is a role model.

The report, which cites unnamed sources at the Federal Correctional Institution, Tallahassee, couldn’t be independently confirmed by The Western Journal.

In an email Monday, the Bureau of Prisons did confirm that such a class was being taught, just not the instructor: “While the Bureau of Prisons (BOP) does not discuss the conditions of confinement for any inmate or group of inmates, including job assignments or educational participation, we can inform you we believe the class you are referring to is called ‘Modern Etiquette’ (Art of communicating professionally and presenting yourself professionally),”  BOP spokesman Emery Nelson wrote.

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But on one level, at least, it makes a certain amount of sense that a woman with Maxwell’s background would be teaching a four-week program that, according to the Daily Mail, “covers everything from having good manners to how to talk, dress and carry yourself in a job interview.”

After all, before she was reduced to being federal prison inmate No. 02879-509, Maxwell had spent a life among the cream of high society.

She was the daughter of British media baron Robert Maxwell, a seemingly wealthy man who was not revealed to be a fraud until after his death in 1991.

By then, Ghislaine, born in 1962, had gone to all the right schools — including Oxford. So, it’s a good chance she knows more about which fork to use and when not to wear white than most of her fellow inmates.

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Her decades of serving first as a consort and then as a procurer of women for a now-deceased megalomaniacal millionaire showed she has the chops and self-control to survive the run-of-the-mill stress of applying for a job. (Lack of self-respect is a different matter.)

And the fact that she moved in circles that included the likes of Bill and Hillary Clinton — and was apparently close enough to their daughter, Chelsea, that she was invited to her wedding in 2010 — showed Maxwell knew a thing or two about making friends and influencing people. Or making friends with influential people. (See lack of self-respect, above.)

On another level, however, it borders on insane.

According to the Daily Mail:

“‘Taught by Mrs. Maxwell, this course teaches the three principles of etiquette – focusing on respect, consideration and honesty,’ reads a flyer pinned up inside the Federal Correctional Institution in Tallahassee, Florida …

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“Oxford-educated Maxwell also talks about emulating powerful female figures, citing her former pal Hillary Clinton’s presidential bid as an example of how women can ‘smash the glass ceiling.'”

That would be all well and good if Maxwell were doing time for a respectable crime — like, say, simply scamming investors out of hundreds of millions of dollars by building a sham corporation to market a sham blood test like Theranos fraudster Elizabeth Holmes (another friend of Bill Clinton.)

But this is Ghislaine Maxwell, a woman whose victims included teenage girls she groomed for use by Epstein and his still-secret client list that’s almost guaranteed to contain the name of at least one really, really well-known Democrat.

That’s a crime that pushes everyday pimping into the realm of the respectable.

“It’s less about balancing books on heads and being ladylike, and more about having confidence in yourself – how to behave and talk in a professional manner, the secrets of success in the corporate world, that sort of thing,” an “insider” told the Daily Mail.

“Miss Maxwell’s message is, so what if you’re a woman and a convicted felon, you’re not a second-class citizen. She’s an unlikely role model but she’s very passionate about this.”

Actually, being in prison as a convicted felon does sort of define one as a “second-class citizen.” (There aren’t voting booths, for starters.)

And to call Maxwell an “unlikely role” model is an understatement of considerable proportions.

Surely, assuming such a class for inmates is necessary (and that’s an open question), it has to be possible for the Bureau of Prisons to find an equally adept teacher who didn’t carry Maxwell’s baggage of consigning young women to essentially sexual servitude for the gratification of her one-time lover and his friends.

Heck, if the BOP spent a little time looking, it’s a good bet the bureau could find another prison inmate in the Tallahassee prison who was just as tight with Bill and Hillary Clinton.

To cap it off, according to the Daily Mail, the course emphasizes “maintaining high moral standards.”

Now, it’s entirely possible that Maxwell has reformed her life, her mind and her soul. No one on the outside can judge that– not the Daily Mail or The Western Journal or anyone else. And if she has, in all seriousness, God bless her.

But it’s simply a statement of fact that her record doesn’t qualify her for a class in “high moral standards” unless it’s as a living example of what could happen to those who fail in that area.

Judging by the Daily Mail’s report, the Bureau of Prisons disagrees. Also, according to the Daily Mail, a second round of the four-week class is gearing up to start soon.

Maybe the BOP can fly Hillary Clinton in as a guest instructor. She and Maxwell have a few things in common.

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Joe has spent more than 30 years as a reporter, copy editor and metro desk editor in newsrooms in Pennsylvania, West Virginia and Florida. He's been with Liftable Media since 2015.
Joe has spent more than 30 years as a reporter, copy editor and metro editor in newsrooms in Pennsylvania, West Virginia and Florida. He's been with Liftable Media since 2015. Largely a product of Catholic schools, who discovered Ayn Rand in college, Joe is a lifelong newspaperman who learned enough about the trade to be skeptical of every word ever written. He was also lucky enough to have a job that didn't need a printing press to do it.
