
Sick: Joe Biden Makes Up Story About His Dead 'Grandpop' on Day of His Re-Election Launch


President Joe Biden launched his 2024 re-election campaign in typical Joe Biden fashion Tuesday when he fabricated a story about his grandfather’s death out of thin air.

As far as Biden and tall tales go, this one was pretty revolting.

Biden’s relationship with the truth could be described, in the kindest of terms, as strained. Others might call his trademark blurring of the lines between fact and fiction a compulsion.

The country’s 46th president has fibbed about everything from his academic credentials to his battle with a local menace named “Corn Pop” when he was a young lifeguard in Delaware.

At this point, whether Biden is dealing with cognitive decline is irrelevant in regard to his issues with being truthful, and that is unfortunate.

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Americans deserve truth and transparency from their leaders. Sadly, Biden not only routinely gaslights the country about his job performance but also lies about his past with alarming regularity.

The president is akin to a real-life “Forrest Gump,” only his stories about historical facts and his proximity or influence on them are mere figments of his own wild imagination.

Naturally, in his first public appearance after he threatened the country with the terrifying project of a second term, Biden lied about the death of his own grandfather and inserted himself into the mix.

As the president addressed labor union leaders at the Washington Hilton in D.C., he recounted a story about his own origins.

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Bloviating about the so-called Inflation Reduction Act, Biden vowed the monstrosity would create “tens of thousands of good-paying jobs.”

He then managed to make the conversation personal when he invoked his grandfather.

“Think about it this way: My grandpop, who I never met — he died in the same hospital I was born in two weeks before I was born,” the president said.

“But my grandpop was from — as they say in Maryland — from Balmer,” Biden continued, pronouncing “Baltimore” using the local accent. “And he worked for the American Oil Company. And his job was to open up new gas stations around the country back in the late — of the ’20s and ’30s.”

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There was one issue with Biden’s declaration about the death of his grandfather and a new generation of Bidens started in the same building only weeks later:

It’s not true.

The Media Research Center tweeted a fact check of the president’s claim that labeled it “Pants on Fire” false.

Sinclair Broadcast Group’s The National Desk did the same, pointing to a Sept. 27, 1941, obituary for Mr. Joseph H. Biden, a former manager at American Oil who died at Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore. He was the president’s paternal grandfather.

Meanwhile, it is well-known that Biden was born on Nov. 20 of the following year in Scranton, Pennsylvania, the city he constantly cites when he tries to relate to people who have actually worked in their lives.

Biden’s own biography on the White House website states, “Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr. was born in Scranton, Pennsylvania, the first of four children of Catherine Eugenia Finnegan Biden and Joseph Robinette Biden, Sr.”

Biden’s maternal grandfather, Ambrose Joseph Finnegan, did die at the same Scranton hospital where he was born, but that was in 1957, when Biden was a teenager, according to the New York Post.

This particular tall tale was easily debunked, and kudos to those who quickly did so. But will the rest of the media ever get around to holding the country’s fabulist-in-chief accountable?

If the past five decades are any indication as to what is to come ahead of the 2024 election, we can’t count on it.

Biden has received protection from the establishment media since he won the 2020 South Carolina primary — and that includes protection from himself and his own lies.

Fake news is not always about misreporting the truth or twisting coverage to fit a narrative.

Outlets that spread falsehoods are most often guilty of blatant omissions of key facts or otherwise ignoring information that could harm narratives they have carefully chosen to push.

If Americans had a media that could be relied on to do its job, Biden would be made to answer for his latest fib.

Instead, he will only receive more protection.

Instances such as this are why so few Americans trust the corporate media — and how the country ended up with a mediocre senator with character issues in the White House to begin with.

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Johnathan Jones has worked as a reporter, an editor, and producer in radio, television and digital media.
Johnathan "Kipp" Jones has worked as an editor and producer in radio and television. He is a proud husband and father.
