
Southern Governor Deploys National Guard in Face of Biden's Inaction


Soldiers from the Tennessee National Guard are deploying down to the southern border after President Joe Biden has continued to fail to take any meaningful action to contain the crisis.

Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee, a Republican, visited soldiers on Saturday at the Millington Tennessee Army National Guard Armory outside Memphis, before the guardsmen headed out to join their Texas counterparts in “Operation Lone Star” to bring more security to the Texas border.

The governor said he originally asked for 100 soldiers to assist the effort but says that roughly 400 volunteered, according to WKRN-TV in Nashville.

The Tennessee leader committed to sending two waves of soldiers to Texas to help with the ongoing crisis the Lone Star State has been dealing with since Biden took office.

“As America faces the most severe border crisis in decades, TN is showing the rest of the country what it means to lead,” Lee wrote in a post on the social media platform X.

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“Today, I joined TN National Guard members who will soon deploy on a voluntary mission to secure the Southern border as the federal government fails to act.”

According to WKRN, Lee said the lives of nearly 7 million Tennesseans are being negatively affected by the illegal immigrant crisis.

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“America continues to face an unprecedented border crisis, and people across the nation are experiencing the devastating consequences of rising crime, drug trafficking and human trafficking.

“Governors are working together, taking immediate action to do what the federal government won’t do, and that is secure our border. I commend Tennessee’s National Guard troops for answering this important call to service and providing critical support.”

Tennesee is assisting Texas alongside 13 other states according to a news release from Texas Gov. Greg Abbott’s office.

It’s quite unfortunate that it takes states coming together to deal with an issue the federal government should handle. Sadly, when senile leaders like Biden are in office, it unfortunately becomes a reality.

While this coalition of states works to secure the southern border the best they can, the aging president is fumbling at getting Congress to pass legislation to deal with the crisis he created.

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To top off his incompetency, rather than ever admitting that his bad policy is to blame for things escalating to where they are, Biden continues to blame Republicans.

Every day thousands of migrants continue to pour en masse into the country with little done about it from the federal government.

While some Democrats, like Biden, might pretend to push for a marginally less porous border now, amid an outraged American public and the pressure of a re-election campaign, who knows how long that will last?

Considering the record of the past three years, it won’t be long before he’s pushing an open border again for the sake of what liberals call “compassion.”

At least while the president continues to fumble the southern border, some competent state leaders have shown they’re willing to try to pick up the slack.

That won’t solve the border problem, but it’s a start.

The real solution will come in November.

A Note from Our Deputy Managing Editor:


I heard a chilling comment the other day: “We don’t even know if an election will be held in 2024.” 


That wasn’t said by a conspiracy theorist or a doomsday prophet. No, former U.S. national security advisor Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn said that to the founder of The Western Journal, Floyd Brown.


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Josh Manning

Deputy Managing Editor

The Western Journal


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