Dave Martin / AP Ban on Confederate Flag Issued in New York 'The recent and disgusting rise in racist, homophobic, and hateful behavior will never be tolerated in New York.' By Jack Davis November 8, 2021
Chip Somodevilla / Getty Images Youngkin Takes Shot at Cancel Culture, Lauds Washington and Jefferson Many on the left seem to think because these men owned slaves, they, along with the rest of America's founding, must be canceled. By Randy DeSoto, Patriot Project November 5, 2021
Associated Press/ AP Decades After Contracting Polio, One Woman Still Uses Her Iron Lung to Survive She uses the machine every night, and with each night that passes, she's one sleep closer to the crucial parts wearing out. By Amanda Thomason November 4, 2021
Jewel Samad - AFP / Getty ImagesCommentary This 5-Year-Old Tweet from Hillary Clinton Just Resurfaced, And It Reminds Everyone Why She Wasn't Elected Like a Greek tragedy, her hubris created the perfectly dramatic, epic fall to obscurity -- and we're happy to relive it all over again. By Christine Favocci October 27, 2021
Hulton Archive / Getty ImagesCommentary Ghost Ships from Legendary WWII Battle Suddenly Rise to Surface, Historians Are in Awe The Battle of Iwo Jima was one of the bloodiest in U.S. Marine history. It was a gruesome chapter in our history. We must never forget it. By Jack Gist October 20, 2021
Marcus Ingram / Getty Images High School Cancels Lecture by '1619 Project' Creator Hannah-Jones created the Pulitzer Prize-winning 1619 Project, which places slavery and its legacy at the center of America’s origin story. By Laurel Duggan October 20, 2021
Architect of the Capitol / Wikimedia Commons America Marks 240th Anniversary of Victory That Won Our Freedom The British surrender at Yorktown came more than five years after the Declaration of Independence and after six-and-a-half years of war. By Randy DeSoto October 19, 2021
Wilfredo Lee / AP; Angela Weiss / AFP via Getty Images Ron DeSantis Triggers Leftists by Issuing the Perfect Columbus Day Proclamation Florida's governor didn't stop at saluting the explorer for his accomplishments. He talked about what they mean in today's world. By Joe Saunders October 12, 2021
Anna Moneymaker / Getty Images Far-Left Protesters Descend Upon White House, Target 'Genocide Joe Biden' Left-wing protesters swarmed the White House on Monday, calling on President Biden to declare a national climate emergency. By Brett Davis October 11, 2021
AP / Matthew Brown Biden 1st President in History to Skip Columbus Day, Commemorates Indigenous Peoples' Day Instead Biden on Friday essentially canceled Columbus Day in a memo and instead announced that Indigenous Peoples' Day will be celebrated. By Johnathan Jones October 9, 2021