AP Historians Debunk Popular Myth Regarding the Cause of the Great Chicago Fire Historians say there is no evidence that the massive blaze began after Catherine O'Leary's cow kicked over a lantern. By The Associated Press October 7, 2021
Stefani Reynolds / Getty ImagesOp-Ed As Dems Try to Pack the Court, They Need to Learn This History Lesson Instead 'Partisan rhetoric aside, there is absolutely no functional problem with a Supreme Court of nine justices today.' By Aron Solomon October 3, 2021
GraphicaArtis / Getty ImagesOp-Ed Dennis Prager: As America Has Become More Secular, It Has Become Less Free 'The Founders knew their Bible. The present adult generation of Americans is more ignorant of the Bible than any in American history.' By Dennis Prager September 20, 2021
Marcus Ingram / Getty ImagesCommentary Creator of '1619 Project' Founds New School Program, and the One Thing She Refuses to Teach Is Telling The one thing '1619 Project' creator and critical race theory savant Nikole Hannah-Jones won't be teaching at her new school is CRT. By Garion Frankel September 11, 2021
Alex Wong / Getty ImagesOp-Ed There's a Fatal Flaw Hiding in Roe v. Wade 'There is no so-called “right” to kill innocents to be found in the Constitution. It was never a legitimate precedent.' By Rita Joseph September 9, 2021
Vivien Killilea / Getty Images Officials Announce They're Tearing Down the Largest Confederate Statue in the Country Tomorrow 'This is an important step in showing who we are and what we value as a Commonwealth,' Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam said. By Jack Davis September 7, 2021
Steve Helber / AP Court Invalidates 131-Year-Old Restriction on Robert E. Lee Statue Deed, Argues Rule 'Unenforceable' Because State No Longer Agrees with It The court agreed with Democrats that the Lee statue should come down, and it appeared to consider public sentiment over legality. By Johnathan Jones September 3, 2021
Marcus Ingram / Getty Images 1619 Project Creator to Teach After-School Literacy Program, Promising It Will Be Critical Race Theory Free The privately-funded '1619 Freedom School' headed by Hannah-Jones will be for students in the Waterloo Community School District. By Kendall Tietz September 2, 2021
Santi Visalli / Getty Images; Chip Somodevilla / Getty ImagesOp-Ed Biden Is Like Jimmy Carter in More Ways Than One 'As both an “anybody but” and an “it’s my turn” candidate, Biden’s win was just as improbable as Carter’s was, if not more so.' By Constantinos E. Scaros September 1, 2021
Saul Loeb - AFP / Getty ImagesOp-Ed Ben Shapiro: America Is Like the Foolish King Who Cut Down the Gods' Sacred Grove - And Now We're Cursed 'When nations lose themselves - when nations destroy their sacred groves - they open a hole in themselves.' By Ben Shapiro August 31, 2021