Andrew Caballero-Reynolds - AFP / Getty Images Teachers Plan to Meet in Over 115 Cities Across the US to Protest Anti-Critical Race Theory Legislation CRT holds that America is fundamentally racist and teaches people to view every social interaction and person in terms of race. By Kendall Tietz August 26, 2021
GraphicaArtis / Getty ImagesOp-Ed It's Time to Remember George Washington's Farewell Address 'It is substantially true that virtue or morality is a necessary spring of popular government,' George Washington said. By Star Parker August 24, 2021
@theboyraabit01 / TikTok screen shotCommentary New Sick Trend Has People Singing Rap Songs on Top of Strangers' Graves, Sharing the Videos Online The latest insane TikTok trend involves people singing rap songs at the graves of famous people throughout the country. By Garion Frankel August 22, 2021
Anna Moneymaker / Getty ImagesCommentary Former CIA Director: Afghanistan Biden's 'Bay of Pigs' Moment, 'Our Credibility Right Now Is in Question' 'It unfolded quickly and the president thought that everything would be fine - and that was not the case.' By Johnathan Jones August 17, 2021
Saul Loeb / Getty ImagesOp-Ed Biden's Failure in Afghanistan Shows He Has No Grasp of History 'What awaits loyal Afghans at the hands of the Taliban will make Hanoi's re-education camps look like day care centers.' By Oliver North and David Goetsch August 9, 2021
West Chester Area School District / YouTube screen shotCommentary Watch: After Describing Homeland 'Ravaged by Communism,' School Board Compels Police to Remove Woman The passionate mother was shut down by the school board president and made to leave after she demanded to know if CRT was being taught. By Isa Ryan August 6, 2021
image by WMay / Getty ImagesCommentary Group That Claims to Stand for Americans' Rights Targets Second Amendment The ACLU slammed the Second Amendment, noting the 'anti-blackness' which allegedly led to its inclusion in the Bill of Rights. By Taylor Penley July 28, 2021
Mark Wilson / Getty ImagesOp-Ed Exclusive from Gen. Flynn: Puritans Heard This Sermon About America While Crossing the Atlantic, But It's Even More Important Today 'America was destined to be a truth, a light, a foundation for mankind to embrace. Through Providence, America’s foundation remains strong.' By Michael Flynn July 16, 2021
Ryan M. Kelly / AFP via Getty Images After Removal of General Lee Statue, Charlottesville Calls Lightning-Fast Emergency Meeting and Votes for Removal of Three National Heroes The city has wiped out even more American heritage with its latest statue removal project -- a monument to the Lewis and Clark expedition. By Jack Davis July 11, 2021
GraphicaArtis / Getty ImagesOp-Ed Here's the Truth About What Was Really Happening Among the Colonists During the American Revolution 'As divided as we realize America was during the Civil War, most of us have no idea about the de facto civil war among colonial Americans.' By Constantinos E. Scaros July 8, 2021