San Francisco Unified School DistrictCommentary Alamo Elementary Being Renamed After Leftists Claim Current Title Is Part of a 'Call for Vengeance Against Mexicans' '''Remember the Alamo' was a call for vengeance against Mexicans that was used as a rallying cry at San Jacinto." By C. Douglas Golden March 6, 2021
Gage Skidmore / Wikimedia CommonsCommentary Civil Rights Icon Calls Out White Guilt as Liberal Racism: 'It's Insulting' 'They're doing this in the name of "pursuing justice for blacks," but I don't think they care at all about blacks.' By Samantha Chang March 4, 2021
Joe Raedle / Getty ImagesCommentary Trump Brings CPAC Crowd to Its Feet After Declaring Judeo-Christian Values Are Vital to Nation The US is groping to find its way in the afterglow of the profound and true founding vision and becoming more divided along the way. By Randy DeSoto March 1, 2021
Hulton Archive / Getty ImagesOp-Ed Op-Ed: Want to Know What the Founders Thought of Abortion? Read What Their Teacher Taught Them 'The original constitutional duty to “secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity” was completely ignored in Roe.' By Rita Joseph March 1, 2021
Eze Amos / Getty Images Over 150 Confederate Monuments Were Taken Down in a Year Roiled by Unrest At least 160 Confederate monuments were removed from public places in 2020. By The Associated Press February 23, 2021
Westend61 / Getty Images Largest City in 'Land of Lincoln' Considers Taking Down Statues of Him Chicago is considering whether to remove 41 statues, including some of Abraham Lincoln, George Washington and Ulysses S. Grant. By Randy DeSoto, Patriot Project February 19, 2021
Zach Gibson / Getty ImagesCommentary House Holds Hearing on Reparations as Biden Calls for Americans to Combat 'Systemic Racism' Should the families of the hundreds of thousands of white soldiers who fought and died to end slavery also receive compensation? By Randy DeSoto February 17, 2021
Drew Angerer / Getty ImagesOp-Ed Larry Elder: What Left-Wing Educators Don't Teach During 'Black History Month' 'About slavery, do our mostly left-wing educators teach that slavery was not unique to America and is as old as humankind?' By Larry Elder February 17, 2021
Lucas Mendes / Archive Photos / Getty ImagesCommentary Fifth-Graders Forced to Simulate 'Black Power' Rally to Celebrate 'Black Communism' Angela Davis was a vocal supporter of murderous communist regimes. Unsurprisingly, that's not what these students learned about her. By C. Douglas Golden February 17, 2021
Saul Loeb - AFP / Getty ImagesCommentary The Founders Sought 'A More Perfect Union' and Unleashed Unprecedented Liberty in the Process The Founders recognized perfection is not possible, but America's entire history has been the advance toward the ideal of equality. By Randy DeSoto February 16, 2021