Rod Lamkey / Pool via AP; Kevin Dietsch / Pool via AP Amy Coney Barrett Corrects Amy Klobuchar: 'I Don't Attack People, Just Ideas' The judge's Tuesday response to Klobuchar seems to have been something of a nod to her personal mentor, the late Justice Antonin Scalia. By A. J. Sciascia October 13, 2020
(Stefani Reynolds - Pool / Getty ImagesCommentary Watch: Amy Coney Barrett Flips Script, Uses RBG's Words To Silence Dems 'Justice Ginsburg, with her characteristic pithiness, used this to describe how a nominee should comport herself at a hearing,' Barrett said. By Johnathan Jones October 13, 2020
Hilary Swift / AFP via Getty Images; Win McNamee / Getty ImagesCommentary Sex Assault Comment Rocks Amy Coney Barrett Hearing - Dem Goes Brett Kavanaugh Hirono dragged the hearing of Judge Amy Coney Barrett through the mud, as Democrats did with Kavanaugh, when she asked about sexual assault. By Johnathan Jones October 13, 2020
Anna Moneymaker - Pool / Getty ImagesCommentary Planned Parenthood Gets Hostile Over Amy Coney Barrett Quoting Legendary President at Hearing Not even liberal social media users could bring themselves to defend this kind of ignorance of American history. By Joe Saunders October 13, 2020
Patrick Semansky / APOp-Ed Dennis Prager: If Dems Pack the Court, We'll Face a 31-Justice SCOTUS by 2040 'The key thing to note is that they would have to expand the court not by a constant number but by a constant percentage.' By Dennis Prager and Tim Groseclose October 13, 2020
The Western Journal 'WJ Live': WHO Admits What Conservatives Have Been Saying for Months 'WJ Live' co-hosts discuss NBA's revealing ratings, the WHO's recent revelation and hypocrisy surrounding Amy Coney Barret. By Kayla Kunkel October 13, 2020
C-SPAN via @abigailmarone / Twitter screen shotCommentary 'She's That Smart': Amy Coney Barrett Shows Her Notes in Telling Hearing Moment It was probably the lightest moment of the hearing, but it still said a lot about the intellect of Amy Coney Barrett. By Joe Saunders October 13, 2020
Shawn Thew - Pool / Getty Images Amy Coney Barrett Turns the Tables on Feinstein's Wild Hypothetical Question 'Judges cannot just wake up one day and say, "I have an agenda"' Amy Coney Barrett said during her confirmation hearing. By Jack Davis October 13, 2020
Jim Watson / AFP via Getty ImagesCommentary Biden Dodges Court-Packing Question Again, But Adds a Deceptive New Spin When Democrats are losing an argument based on logic they try to change the meaning of the words to appeal to emotion. By Joe Saunders October 13, 2020
Erin Schaff / The New York Times via AP, PoolOp-Ed Op-Ed: Should Christians Really Support ACB? 'Barrett has also expressed agreement with dissenters in Obergefell, the Supreme Court decision that legalized same-sex marriage.' By David Closson October 12, 2020