Erin Schaff - Pool / Getty Images Amy Coney Barrett Speaks on Day One of Confirmation Hearings: 'I Believe in the Power of Prayer' 'I believe in the power of prayer, and it has been uplifting to hear that so many people are praying for me,' Barrett said. By Mary Margaret Olohan October 12, 2020
Alex Edelman - Pool / Getty Images Male Democratic Senator Tells Amy Coney Barrett Her Nomination Would Be Harmful for Women Naming a mother with school-aged children to the Supreme Court would be a setback for women, according to one male Democratic senator. By Jack Davis October 12, 2020
Alex Wong / Getty ImagesCommentary Fact Check: Biden Caught Red-Handed Lying to Americans About Amy Coney Barrett The man who oversaw the attacks on Robert Bork and Clarence Thomas is turning his sights on Judge Amy Coney Barrett. By Joe Saunders October 12, 2020
CNN screen shotCommentary 'Voters Deserve an Answer': Top Biden Staffer Gets Ripped Apart by CNN on Live TV 'Voters deserve an answer,' said Jake Tapper. By Elizabeth Stauffer October 12, 2020
Alex Edelman / Pool / AFP via Getty ImagesOp-Ed Op-Ed: If the Senate Refuses ACB, We're Headed for Anarchy, Tyranny & Lawlessness 'The mainstream media has rushed to reprint the Democratic propaganda machine’s vile talking points of hatred and bigotry.' By J.D. Hayworth October 12, 2020
Demetrius Freeman / Getty Images Lindsey Graham Kicks Off Amy Coney Barrett Hearing by Setting the Record Straight on Democrats' 'Unconstitutional' Claims Sen. Lindsey Graham says the confirmation hearings for Judge Amy Coney Barrett are nothing more than the Senate doing its job. By Jack Davis October 12, 2020
Chip Somodevilla / Getty ImagesCommentary As Biden Refuses To Answer Court-Packing Question, Resurfaced Video Shows Him Calling the Idea a 'Power Grab' Biden referred to FDR’s court-packing scheme as a ‘power grab’ during a speech in a video unearthed from 2005. By Johnathan Jones October 12, 2020
Greg Nash / Pool / Getty Images GOP Senator Slams Dem Attempts To Discredit Amy Coney Barrett: 'There Is No Low They Won't Stoop To' 'Let me remind everyone that Article I clearly prohibits religious tests for serving in public office,' Grassley told his Senate colleagues. By Mary Margaret Olohan October 12, 2020
Manuel Balce Ceneta / Pool / AP Amy Barrett's Powerful Opening Statement Has a Stunning Reminder About Justice Scalia As Amy Coney Barrett was set to begin her Supreme Court confirmation hearings, she revealed the impact Justice Antonin Scalia had on her life. By Jack Davis October 12, 2020
Greg Nash / Pool / AP American Bar Association Gives Amy Coney Barrett Major Good News Just Before Confirmation Hearing Begins Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer has called it 'the gold standard by which judicial candidates are judged.' By Mary Margaret Olohan October 12, 2020