Matthew Hatcher / Getty Images Michigan Legislature Strips Gov. Whitmer of Emergency Powers She Wielded During Pandemic 'Yesterday was a great day for Michigan, and yesterday was anything but partisan politics,' US Rep. Lisa McClain said after the vote. By Johnathan Jones July 24, 2021
Drew Angerer / Getty ImagesOp-Ed Dick Morris: Debt Limit Fight Gives GOP Huge New Leverage 'Every day that Biden fights for more spending amid the obvious inflation is a day he suffers and Republicans gain.' By Dick Morris July 22, 2021
Olivier Matthys - Pool / AFP / Getty Images Report: 'Everything Is on the Table' as White House and CDC Consider New Mask Rules Is Mask Mandate 2.0 in the works? President Joe Biden foreshadowed such a move during a Wednesday town hall on CNN. By Jack Davis July 22, 2021
Georg Hochmuth - AFP / Getty ImagesCommentary Rock Legend Eric Clapton Refuses to Play Any Venue That Requires Proof of COVID Vaccination 'I’ve been a rebel all my life, against tyranny and arrogant authority, which is what we have now,' the music icon said. By Samantha Chang July 22, 2021
Yuichiro Chino / Getty ImagesOp-Ed Veronique de Rugy: Inflation Is Bad, But Combined with 1 Other Metric, It Makes a Disastrous Combo 'I like my government small and as unintrusive as possible, so I am not happy about the current spending situation.' By Veronique de Rugy July 21, 2021
Stefani Reynolds - Pool / AFP / Getty Images Texas Runaway Stunt Coming Back to Haunt Democrats Already as GOP Senator Threatens to Do the Same South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham threatened to give Democrats a dose of their own medicine to stop their $3.5 trillion spending bill. By Jack Davis July 19, 2021
Luca Sola - AFP / Getty Images As Racially-Charged Violence Explodes in Powder Keg South Africa, Civil Rights Activist There Issues Stark Warning as Same Problems Begin to Show in United States 'To put it frankly, there's a very strong anti-Western sentiment underneath this whole thing,' Ernst Roets said. By Jack Davis July 17, 2021
Morsa Images / Getty Images Government Issues 24/7 Music Ban in New Bid to Stop COVID-19 An exlusive Greek island which relies on tourism will ban music until the end of the month in an effort to curtail COVID infections. By Johnathan Jones July 17, 2021
Win McNamee / Getty Images Moderate Dem Throws Wrench Into Biden's Massive Budget Plan: 'We Have to Pay for All This' One Democrat is asking questions about the spending feast proposed by the Biden administration and its progressive allies. By Jack Davis July 14, 2021
New Africa / ShutterstockCommentary Biden OKs Amazon 'Radar' That Will Let Company See What You Do in Bed Through an unholy alliance between the government and Big Tech, this device has the potential to be catastrophically consequential. By Christine Favocci July 13, 2021