WNBC-TV screen shotCommentary Leftist Protester Caught on Video Allegedly Trying To Cut NYPD Car Brake Lines Jeremy Trapp, 24, was arrested for allegedly tampering with an New York Police Department van in Brooklyn. By C. Douglas Golden July 22, 2020
Spencer Platt / Getty ImagesOp-Ed Fred Weinberg: Bill de Blasio Is Today's George Wallace 'When a local government allows a mob to loot, kill and injure residents at will, those residents’ civil rights have been abridged.' By Fred Weinberg July 21, 2020
@RealDealAxelrod / Twitter screen shotCommentary Woman Paints Over 'Black Lives Matter' Outside Trump Tower, Says 'Re-Fund the Police' A black woman in New York City is taking on the Black Lives Matter movement by smearing paint on the city’s BLM murals. By Johnathan Jones July 20, 2020
Bryan Thomas / Getty ImagesCommentary Man Stabbed on the Same Spot Where de Blasio Signed Bills Restricting Police Days Earlier A man in New York City was stabbed at the same intersection where Mayor Bill de Blasio signed anti-police legislation just days before. By Johnathan Jones July 20, 2020
Alexi Rosenfeld / Getty Images Thanks to Rampant Violence in NY, Cops Are Getting Reassigned from Community Work Woke Crowd Wants The homeless outreach unit included 92 officers, 25 sergeant supervisors and three detectives who will be assigned new roles. By Kaylee Greenlee July 20, 2020
Samuel Corum / Getty ImagesCommentary Former NYPD Commissioner Slams AOC as 'Immature Child,' De Blasio as 'Marxist Trojan Horse' 'I blame the mayor for emboldening the criminals,' Giuliani-era top cop Bernard Kerik said on Fox Business. By C. Douglas Golden July 17, 2020
CBS New York / YouTube screen shotCommentary Latest Violence in New York City: Mom Pushing Stroller Choked, Stabbed in Alarming Video On Tuesday, security cameras caught a brutal attack in the Bronx on a 21-year-old mother and her infant child. By Elise Ehrhard July 16, 2020
Spencer Platt / Getty Images NYPD Chief Injured in Clash with Protesters Near City Hall NYPD Chief of Department Terry Monahan, a sergeant and a lieutenant from his office were injured during the clash. By Erin Coates July 15, 2020
Noam Galai / Getty ImagesCommentary Soviet-Like Snitch Hotlines Are Here in America To Report Those Not Wearing a Mask This is next-level mask shaming. Such an action creates a society in which individuals are inherently distrustful of their fellow man. By Elise Ehrhard July 14, 2020
Spencer Platt / Getty Images As NYC Gun Violence Soars, Black Leaders Call for Restoration of NYPD Anti-Crime Unit 'Right now, bad guys are saying if you don’t see a blue and white, you can do whatever you want.' By Johnathan Jones July 14, 2020