Users of the parks, 2 built on Manhattan piers that jut into the Hudson River and 1 on Brooklyn's East River waterfront, have been shamed on social media.
Thankfully, in a era of social media, these elitists who feel they are exempt from their own rules can no longer hide their hypocritical double standard.
Your religious affiliation, your sexual orientation, your gender - or proclaimed lack of gender - determine where you fall on the left's mighty victim list.
New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio went on a Twitter rant against the city's Jewish population after crowds turned out for the funeral of a prominent rabbi.
'Here are some of the ways U.S. officials are emulating China’s tactics for tackling coronavirus, or COVID-19, which originated in the communist nation.'
New York Mayor Bill de Blasio says his city will provide halal meals to Muslims during Ramadan a month after he threatened to permanently close churches.