Cancer patients, survivors and health advocates called for a ban on all flavored tobacco and vapes, pushing also to raise taxes on flavored e-cigarettes.
First, she was taken away in handcuffs after assaulting a man for simply wearing a pro-Trump hat. Now she may have a one-way ticket out of the country.
A woman in Massachusetts is facing assault charges after she harassed a man minding his own business in a Mexican restauraunt - all over a pro-Trump hat.
Virginia Republicans will 'hold a public hearing where Lt. Gov. Justin Fairfax and the two women who have recently accused him of sexual assault can testify...'
Experts say Guzman seems the ideal candidate for the federal government's 'Supermax' prison in Florence, Colorado, also known as ADX for 'administrative maximum.'
'Harvard University announced Friday that it would move to dismiss complaints about a rule that punishes students in single-gender clubs from holding leadership positions on sports teams and campus groups.'