WKRG / Facebook screen shot Pet Cat Who Saved Owner from Burning Alive in House Fire Dies from Injuries The cat, named Darby, paid the ultimate price but managed to save her humans by alerting them to a fire that had started in the kitchen. By Amanda Thomason February 26, 2019
ohreally_hellen / Instagram screen shot Owner Records Hilarious Moment She Realizes Her Cat Hates It When She Sings A black-and-white American shorthair cat reacts violently whenever her owner begins to sing, pouncing on her and nipping at her. By Loren Eaton February 14, 2019
Pioneer Veterinary Clinic / Facebook screen shot Sweet Vet Clinic Goes Extra Mile To Tend to Worried Little Girl's Stuffed Cat This 6-year-old girl was worried about her stuffed cat, so she took him to the local vet's office for an examination. By Sarah Carri February 12, 2019
Save Our Paws / Facebook Behind the Scene Photos of Cat Declawing Breaks Hearts of Animal Lovers Declawing cats is still legal in the US, but it causes a lifetime of painful health issues for cats that far outweigh the benefits. By Amanda Thomason February 8, 2019
Animal Clinic of Kalispell / Facebook Complete Miracle: Cat Found Frozen Stiff in Snow Bank Lives To See Another Day After Fluffy the cat was found nearly frozen in a snowbank, tons of TLC and skilled veterinary intervention led to an incredible recovery. By Mary Bittel February 8, 2019
Michigan Cat Rescue / Facebook Cat Returned to Shelter After New Owner 'Can't Stand' His Cuddly Personality A snuggly cat abandoned by his original owner and then returned to a shelter for being too cuddly has finally found a loving home. By Loren Eaton January 31, 2019
Celia Hammond Animal Trust / Facebook screen shot Rescuers Rip Open Boxes Shut Tight with Tape, Find 11 Cats Left for Dead Trapped Inside The 11 cats would have died if a woman had not noticed the four boxes taped shut and lined against the alley wall. By Amanda Thomason January 31, 2019
Cat mania / Facebook screen shot Watch Mama Cat Attempt To Rescue Her Crying Baby Stuck in Tree Yowling for Help An encouraging mother cat helped her baby learn a lesson in self-reliance after the kitten got stuck in a tree. By Kim Davis January 30, 2019
Lawrey / Shutterstock; Jade Jefferies / Facebook screen shot Rescue Cat Has Been Living Secret Life of Crime, Owner Finally Catches Him on Video She didn't know why the papers kept appearing until she looked out her window to see her cat making off with the neighbor's newspaper. By Amanda Thomason January 26, 2019
Fabulous Felines NWA / Facebook screen shot Adorable Kitten Found Nearly Lifeless, Rescuer Helps Give Him Incredible Transformation Thanks to the love and dedication of an animal foster mom, the nearly-dead runt of a litter of kittens has made an incredible transformation. By Kim Davis January 22, 2019