Mandel Ngan - AFP / Getty Images Search Efforts Turn Up Nothing from Last Three Objects Shot Down Over North America National Security Council spokesman John Kirby says nothing has been recovered from the objects shot down over the past few days. By Johnathan Jones February 13, 2023
ndrew Caballero-Reynolds / AFP via Getty Images; U.S. Navy / APCommentary What Pentagon Just Revealed Is Disastrous for Joe Biden Peace through weakness never works. Joe Biden's disastrous turn as the president of the United States is proving that every day. By Joe Saunders February 13, 2023
SubaruTel_StarCamAdmin / YouTube screen shot Is Video of Lasers Shooting Down from Space Real? Yes, and China's Likely Behind That, Too A Chinese satellite is the source of green laser projections that were visible over Hawaii late last month, astronomers say. By Richard Moorhead February 13, 2023
Alex Wong / Getty Images Thanks to Schumer We Know Why They Didn't Take Out Balloon Instantly - It's What We All Feared Chuck Schumer believes that the government's handling of the Chinese surveillance balloon was a sweeping success. By Richard Moorhead February 13, 2023
Mark Schiefelbein / AP Photo China Makes Spy Balloon Allegation Against US - Biden Administration Responds The U.S. House of Representatives has voted unanimously to condemn China for a “brazen violation” of U.S. sovereignty By The Associated Press February 13, 2023
Nathan Howard / Getty ImagesCommentary Biden's Balloon Response Turning Him Into a Laughingstock in China China's decision to send multiple spy balloons over North American airspace may just be the one issue that unites Americans. By Elizabeth Stauffer February 12, 2023
Scott Eisen / Getty Images; FBI / APCommentary Huge: New Twist Could Answer Big Question About Chinese Spy Balloon Saga The Biden administration's Department of Defense issued an implicit criticism of the Trump administration. Something big was left out. By Peter Partoll February 12, 2023
Wikipedia Chinese Military Scrambles Into Action - Preparing to Engage New Unknown Object China claims there is an unknown object off its coast and has issued a warning to fishing boats that it will be shooting it down. By Jack Davis February 12, 2023
Wikipedia Chinese Submarine Closes in on Aircraft Carrier, Gets a Reality Check When Sub Hunting Drill Begins "If this had been in a different scenario, a conflict situation, it would have proven that we'd have detected something, in ample time ..." By Carson Choate February 12, 2023
AP / Heng Sinith China Snubs Biden Admin Call, Citing Lack of 'Proper Atmosphere' After first expressing “regret" over the incident, China's rhetoric has hardened recently as the FBI gathers debris from the downing site. By The Associated Press February 9, 2023