@GilbertCollard / Twitter screen shot Catholics Violently Attacked by 'Far-Left Activists' While Commemorating Victims of Religious Persecution 'Yesterday, in Paris, Catholics were attacked by violent individuals on the sidelines of a procession,' a French official said. By Mary Margaret Olohan May 31, 2021
Kevin Frayer / Getty ImagesOp-Ed Op-Ed: How Should Christians Prepare for Persecution? Chinese Believers Share These 3 Steps 'Part of getting ready is acknowledging that persecution may come, that I, myself, may have to pay a price for what I believe.' By Todd Nettleton May 19, 2021
@pastorlocke / TwitterCommentary Another Pastor Arrested for Holding Church in Canada Leftists have the tools, knowledge and practical experience to shut down worship whenever they please - all they need is the next excuse. By Christine Favocci May 19, 2021
Issouf Sanogo - AFP / Getty Images Baptism Party Attacked by Suspected Islamic Extremists in West Africa, Killing 15 Suspected Islamic extremists attacked a baptism party in northern Burkina Faso, killing at least 15 people. By The Associated Press May 19, 2021
Ahmad Gharabli - AFP / Getty Images Israeli Christian Aramaic Association Pledges to Defend Fellow Believer Against Palestinian Propaganda Shadi Khalloul's organization works to integrate Christians into Israeli culture and defend them from persecution. By Samantha Kamman May 18, 2021
Artur Pawlowski TV / YouTube screen shotCommentary Watch: Pastor Arrested in Middle of the Road for Standing Up for Religious Freedom Artur Pawlowski was doing what all religious leaders should be doing by now - fighting for the right to get the faithful back to church. By Christine Favocci May 13, 2021
Artur Pawlowski TV / YouTube screen shot Preacher Arrested for 'Inciting' People to Attend Church Police, on Saturday, arrested church leaders who have been holding services without mandating masks in Alberta. By Jack Davis May 9, 2021
Andrey_Popov / ShutterstockOp-Ed Op-Ed: On Thursday's National Day of Prayer, We Should Remember the Words of Abraham Lincoln 'Let us pray specifically for a culture that values and respects religious freedom at home and across the globe.' By David Closson and Arielle Del Turco May 4, 2021
Rey Del Rio / Getty Images Publishing Company CEO Shuts Down Employees' Attempt to 'Cancel' Mike Pence Book Deal 'As a publisher in this polarized era, we have experienced outrage from both sides of the political divide.' By Andrew Jose April 21, 2021
Thomas Stockhausen / Getty Images Government Authorities 'Physically Close' Church Over COVID Violations, Erect Fencing 'GLC has decided not to follow these mandatory restrictions, nor have they attempted to work with AHS,' Alberta Health Services said. By Erin Coates April 7, 2021