Ksenia Ragozina / Shutterstock; JL Images / ShutterstockCommentary The Left Cries for 'Separation of Church and State,' but It Has No Idea What That Means Thomas Jefferson coined the phrase in an attempt to assure Baptists that they would face no governmental oppression. By A. J. Sciascia August 5, 2020
@karis_peters / Twitter Planned Parenthood Sues Pop-Up Church 'We’re here to worship, pray, preach together. That’s all we do. We’re here to fight with spiritual weapons.' By Jack Davis July 30, 2020
Tim Tebow / Twitter screen shot Twitter Censors Tim Tebow's Inspirational Bible Video A post by former NFL quarterback Tim Tebow calling on Christians to keep the faith was hit with a ‘potentially sensitive content' label. By Johnathan Jones July 27, 2020
(War on Fear / YouTube screen shot)Commentary UK Government Forced To Debate China's Human Rights Violations Thanks to Maajid Nawaz's Hunger Strike Anti-extremism activist Maajid Nawaz went on hunger strike protesting the human rights violations going on in China. By Michael Austin July 20, 2020
Overdose Studio / Shutterstock Choirs Sue Newsom After California Bans 'Biblical Mandate' Three Northern California churches are fighting back against California Gov. Gavin Newsom's ban on singing in church. By Jack Davis July 20, 2020
CBN News / Twitter China-Backed Communist Insurgents Murder Pastor, Fourth Killing of an Area Christian in Two Months A guerilla group backed by China killed a pastor in India who refused to stop preaching the Gospel. By Jack Davis July 20, 2020
Robyn Beck / AFP via Getty Images Metaxas: Attacks on Churches Motivated by Hatred of Authority and Ultimately of God In Boston, a statue of the Virgin Mary was torched over the weekend, while in Florida, a man drove his car into a church. By Randy DeSoto July 14, 2020
C5 Media / ShutterstockCommentary FSU Student Senate President Impeached Over Catholic Views, Anti-Semite Replaces Him The intolerance toward pro-lifers and tolerance of anti-Semitism that have come to define the Democratic Party have trickled down into student government. By Ryan Foley June 19, 2020
Yasuyoshi Chiba / AFP via Getty ImagesCommentary Report: Ugandan Muslim Man Burns Daughter for Converting to Christianity Some Muslims who convert to Christianity face rejection from their communities -- or much worse. By Amalia White May 31, 2020
Atta Kenare / AFP via Getty ImagesCommentary Muslim Man Got Saved in America, Now He's On a Mission To Convert Iranians to Christianity His is a story of redemption and a mission of love. And it's one that every American Christian ought to hear. By Carmine Sabia May 16, 2020