Charleston Chew Pug / Twitter screen shot Neighbor Snaps Photo After Owner Posts Apology Note on Door About Howling Senior Dog When a new Pittsburgh resident’s elderly dog began to bark his head off, she posted notices from the pup, apologizing for his behavior. By Loren Eaton March 23, 2019
BRProud News - NBC Local 33/Fox 44 / YouTube screen shot Miracle: 150-Year-Old Bible Survives Fire, Pastor Reveals It Also Survived Blaze in 1959 A Bible that survived the accidental burning of a Wisconsin church had also withstood another blaze in a different city way back in 1959. By Loren Eaton March 22, 2019
11Alive / YouTube screen shot Man with Down Syndrome Honored as He Celebrates 27th Work Anniversary with McDonald's Friends, family and fellow McDonald's staffers recently celebrated the 27-year work anniversary of a valued employee with Down syndrome. By Mary Bittel March 21, 2019
Jessica Nash Donnahoo / Facebook Blind Toddler Can't Stop Crying, Cable Technician at House Scoops Him Up and Comforts Him When a blind child with rare brain issues began to wail when a cable technician was visiting, he picked up the toddler and comforted him. By Loren Eaton March 21, 2019
Paras Griffin / Getty Images Breaking: Wendy Williams Breaks Down on Camera, Admits To Getting Treatment for Addiction Wendy Williams, 54, announced on March 19 that she is currently seeking treatment for an addiction and has been living in a sober house. By Kim Davis March 19, 2019
Fair Lawn Public School District / Facebook Man Tries Returning Library Book That Was 55 Years Overdue to Old Middle School Over 50 years after picking up a book from the school library, one man walked back into the school to return his overdue tome. By Amanda Thomason March 17, 2019
WTVR CBS 6 Richmond / Twitter After Months of Searching, Restaurant Manager Finds Owner of Mysterious 96-Year-Old Bible The mystery owner of a nearly 100-year-old Bible left in an Italian restaurant in Virginia has been found after months of searching. By Sarah Carri March 17, 2019
mountvernonnews / YouTube screen shot 250+ Amish Men Lift Barn with Bare Hands and Walk It to New Spot on Farm Over 250 Amish men from Geauga County, Ohio, came together to move a barn from one end of the Hochstetler Farm to another. By Kim Davis March 17, 2019
Diario CRoNICA / Facebook Mysterious Donor is Leaving Envelopes of Cash All Over This Small Village A mysterious person in the Spanish village of Villarramiel has been giving envelopes of money to townspeople, earning the name, 'Robin Hood.' By Kim Davis March 16, 2019
Blyth Wildlife Rescue / Facebook Police on Man Hunt To Find Person Who Shot Swan in Face and Left It for Dead When a swan found on the side of the road was taken in by an animal-welfare nonprofit, veterinarians discovered it had been shot not once, but twice. By Loren Eaton March 13, 2019