Justin Sullivan / Getty Images Transportation Giant Totally Compromised as Hacker Gains Control Uber was hacked by someone who claims he is just 18 years old and did it just because the security was weak. By Abby Liebing September 16, 2022
seksan Mongkhonkhamsao / Getty Images After Being a Victim of Cyber Attacks, One American Gets Epic Revenge That Takes an Entire Country Offline Two weeks ago, outside observers of North Korea's heavily censored internet began to see connectivity problems in the communist dictatorship. By Matthew Holloway September 11, 2022
John Raoux / AP Photo Twitter Says a Whistleblower's Complaint Is Inaccurate. So Why Did It Offer Him $7 Million to Keep Quiet? The whistleblower's claims have become central to Elon Musk’s attempt to renege on an ongoing deal to purchase Twitter By John Hugh DeMastri September 9, 2022
Andrey Popov / Getty ImagesCommentary Warning: Chinese-Made GPS Tracker Has Fatal Flaw, Could Open Users to 'Life-Threatening' Attacks from Hackers The Shenzhen-based company that makes the device was notified last year, but officials say no corrective action has been taken. By C. Douglas Golden July 27, 2022
Benjamin Lowy / Getty ImagesCommentary Report: Investigation of 2016 DNC Hack Resurfaces, Special Counsel Looking Into Suspicious and Unexplained Details Following the 2016 DNC hack, CrowdStrike was called in to investigate. They refused to allow access to the FBI or the DHS. By Elizabeth Stauffer March 17, 2022
(Hill Street Studios / Getty Images)Commentary So Much for Secure: Dems Tell Biden He 'Must' Spend Huge Amount to Stop Hacking of Voting Machines Democrats want Biden to spend billions in this upcoming budget to secure America's voting system -- and tens of billions over 10 years. By C. Douglas Golden February 18, 2022
Docket Media LLC / YouTube screen shotCommentary Damage Control Fails: Former Clinton Attorney Scrambling After Devastating Durham Allegations The sheer gall of a Hillary Clinton campaign lawyer crying 'politics' after allegedly colluding against a sitting president is breathtaking. By Elizabeth Stauffer February 18, 2022
Commentary People Wonder if Alleged GiveSendGo Hacker Is Demoniac After Disturbing Video Where He Squirms Like a Snake 'They always default to the pedophile accusations because they have nothing else,' the self-confessed hacker said on TikTok. By Samantha Chang February 17, 2022
STR - AFP / Getty Images; etonastenka / Shutterstock Not All Heroes Wear Capes: Pajama-Clad American Shuts Down Internet of Nuclear-Armed Hostile Power 'I want them to understand that if you come at us, it means some of your infrastructure is going down for a while.' By Abby Liebing February 3, 2022
Patrick Sison / AP ; Elise Amendola / AP Names, Emails, Zip Codes - All Stolen by Hackers Who Compromised 7 Million Robinhood Accounts A massive data breach of the popular trading app Robinhood has exposed the information of millions of people. By Jack Davis November 10, 2021